Malian women have been waiting for a law for more than three years

Socio-cultural barriers weigh on victims of assaults in Mali, causing self-censorship that limits the number of dismissals and prevents criminal prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes. A law is being prepared but it has stagnated for several years in the draft.

Rape, physical or psychological abuse, domestic or street violence are women in Malia daily sacrifices. But very few dare to talk about it. However, there is a bill on gender-based violence.

“To minimize the risks of termination. Every time a woman wants to file a complaint, there are socio-cultural restrictions. For example, when you want to report a case of domestic violence, you will necessarily have pressure from the family. Even the children’s pressure. So these are the obstacles that need to be removed. With a law, there will be more redundancies “, appeals Maître Mariam Traoré, lawyer within the association for the defense of women’s rights Wildaf-Mali, who believes that this system is essential.

Slowly the word is released

The problem is that this draft bill has been around for over three years but has never been presented to MEPs. It must be said that the text arouses much aversion, especially in the most conservative circles. In 2011, the Malian government gave pressure from the High Islamic Council when it adopted a new family code, the original version of which made too much progress in the status of Malian women.

Two hopes though defender of the new law on violence against women: the first is the latest media coverage of several cases, especially the previous ones musician Sidiki Diabaté, which slowly begins to drop to the floor. The second is the entry into the transitional government last month by Bintou Samaké. The person who for many years carried this struggle in civil society is now the Minister for the Advancement of Women.


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