In Mali, relief after the release of Soumaïla Cissé

Several hostages in the hands of jihadists were released on Thursday. Among them the leader of the Malian opposition. Soumaïla Cissé was kidnapped in March 2020 in the north of the country while fighting for the legislative election. And that is the relief in Mali after his release.

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as reported from Bamako

For Soumaïla Cissé, it’s a first day of freedom. The leader of the Malian opposition has returned home since Wednesday night after more than six months in captivity.

“Physically, I have no problem. I feel good. But it is above all that I am very happy. To be deprived of your liberty for long months is something you should not experience. And I think freedom is one of the values ​​that needs to be defended the most today. And today we need to be sure of one thing, and that is that being free is a real privilege. I think no one really has a right to forget that. That said, I’m happy to be Malian, because in those months I had great solidarity. It is a cultural people, an old country, that often puts the humanitarian aspect first, ”the opposition leader declared.

►Read also: Six months after her kidnapping, Soumaïla Cissé finds her freedom

Since her release, Soumaïla Cissé’s house has been filled with people. Relatives, friends who came to greet him. This Thursday, dozens of cars park in front of his residence. The curious even stop to take pictures while inside, there is a lot of emotion. The living room is full and it’s really roaring.

All friends, supporters, supporters and many leaders of the Union for the Republic and Democracy (URD) ​​party are waiting for an interview or just waiting to see Soumaïla Cissé because seeing him is the assurance of some of his release. It’s a real moment of relief for those close to the opponent. And everyone is taking advantage of this moment.

He is surrounded by his wife and children. And this Friday, the house empties little by little in the hour of the great prayer. The personalities present will celebrate and celebrate this community.


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