banned from presidential elections, Bozizé wants to unite the opposition to Touadéra


Former President François Bozizé says he “accepts” the annulment of his presidential candidacy by the Constitutional Court and calls on the leaders of the opposition coalition, COD 2020, of which he is the current president, to unite around a single candidacy to defeat outgoing President Faustin-Archange Touadera.

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François Bozizé assures him in a press release released on Tuesday, December 15: he “unreservedly follows the ruling of the Constitutional Court”, which annulled his candidacy in the forthcoming presidential election in the Central African Republic (first round on 27 December 2020, possible second round on 14 February 2021). But will he give his support to another candidate? And if so, to whom?

The former president responded to this question with a “proposal”: he asks the leaders of the opposition coalition, COD 2020, to agree on a single “consensus candidate”, against six at present. . And he promises, if necessary, to support this unique candidate by providing his “political support” as well as the “voting machine” for his party, the KNK (Kwa Na Kwa).

Opposition leaders are not happy about Bozizé’s proposal

In his press release, François Bozizé, does not present any name but gives some criteria. He suggests choosing the one who “has the most extensive electoral base and has significant financial resources”. This is the only solution, according to him, to block Faustin-Archange Touadéra, whose stated goal is to win in the first round against a scattered opposition.

Also in his stronghold of Bossangoa, François Bozizé sent an envoy to Bangui on Tuesday to convey this message during a meeting. But according to our information, the proposal was received fairly new by the other leaders of the coalition. “We have already decided on this issue. The majority of candidates oppose it. Why come back to it? Says one participant. For the latter, “François Bozizé can support whoever he wants, but not force others to withdraw”.


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