Somali spy company linked to harassment of ladies in Gedo

Somali spy agency linked to harassment of women in Gedo

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MOGADISHU, Somalia – The spy agency; National Intelligence and Security Agency [NISA] found itself in uncharted territory again, following complaints from residents of Gedo, Jubaland, who raised alarm bells about gender-based violence allegedly perpetrated by some officers.

For months now, NISA agents have pitched a tent in Dolow in Gedo, they silently called for shots at local politics, following the fallout between incumbent President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Jubaland President Ahmed Islam Mohamed Madobe.

The officers are said to be part of the team that was trying to fight the region’s local administration against the Jubaland authorities before the recent deal brokered by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and a host of Jubaland leaders.

According to a number of women in the region, NISA agents tortured, raped and even subjected them to arbitrary detention. Axadlecould not independently verify these claims, despite corroboration from several local sources.

Some victims who spoke to the media claim to have been coerced, harassed and sexually assaulted by NISA officials commanding the regional office under the authority of former deputy director Kulane, who was recently sacked by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble for blocking senior politicians. in the countryside.

“NISA agents stormed my home in the middle of the night and held me blindfolded, leaving my children unattended while I was seven months pregnant. I was taken to jail. center where I was forced to be imprisoned in a dungeon as a heavy rain fell, said one of the victims.

Among those accused of mechanical violence against women are the commander of the Gedo stabilization forces, Bakaal Kooke, and the former governor of the Gedo region, Osman Mo’alimu, then associated with Bakaal Kooke and Kulane. They are accused of working with junior officers to commit crimes.

NISA, under the leadership of Fahad Yasin, has fought against serious allegations, including working with Gorgor’s elite security forces to thwart criticism in the country. He often denied the allegations, with the government defending the institution as “professional” attire.

But for a year, the agency has been camping in Gedo, even causing an uproar from the international community, which has warned that the standoff between FGS and Jubaland could resuscitate Al-Shabaab, following disputes between Somali security forces. and the defense of Kenya. Forces.

The Mogadishu authorities accused the KDF of working closely with the Jubaland authorities to “undermine our territorial integrity”. Farmaajo was keen to take full control of the Gedo region, where Ahmed Madobe also struggles to impose his authority due to the threat from Al-Shabaab.

In Mogadishu, NISA has yet to take responsibility for the disappearance of a senior official, Ms. Ikran Tahilil, who was allegedly kidnapped by her colleagues.

The Attorney General of the Somali Armed Forces, General Abdullahi Bulle Kamay, has appointed three officers from his office, police and intelligence, to investigate the case.



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