Senior Tigray Force Commander surrendered ENDF amid battle

NAIROBI, Kenya – According to state media reports, the commander-in-chief of the Tigraya Defense Force [TDF] surrendered to the Ethiopian National Defense Force [ENDF]. Colonel Gebrehivot Gebreaelaf, a respected commander in the TDFranks, reportedly deserted on Saturday, which could significantly affect the advancementofTigray’s army, which is movinginto Afar and Amhara in northern Ethiopia.State media reported that Colonel Gebrechivot Gebreaelaf sidedwithGasaiwithhim.

TDF spokesman Getachew Rada was not available for comment, but has accused ENDF of propaganda inrecentweeks. Commander of the IVS.Nophotographs have been taken to supportthis claim.

The colonel admitted to police that many of his soldiers were killed and some were dispersed to many places after the defeat, the office urged the community to be vigilant about the activities of terrorist groups and informed the police ifthere was any suspicious activity.but in recent months, ENDF and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed have called on civilians to join the fight against the TDF.

The TDF has repeatedly declared victory over the federal army, which Addis Ababa has repeatedly denied.Volkait Tegede SetitHumera, Deputy Administrator and Head of theDepartmentof SecurityandPeace, Colonel Demeke Zewdou, said the TDF forcesweredefeated 12 times inan attempt to defeat the people of Humera. Colonel Demeke noted that Humera and theareaaroundit weresubjectto joint counterattacks by security forces and the public.

Headded that the localpopulation has everyopportunity to neutralize the ITT in the area.Ethiopia has repeatedly challenged TDF. a terrorist group, which is often denied bythe Tigrayan militants.

The United Nations, various partners of the international community and other groups have called for a ceasefire in the country.  However,the TDF insiststhat Ethiopia should first open someroads, in addition to rebuildingits telecommunicationsinfrastructure, before movingon to a ceasefire.


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