NGO MSF warns of “forced deportation” of a

The situation of the 8,500 displaced people who had to flee a Bambari refugee camp in the middle of the country is still very unpleasant: the fire in the Elevage camp two weeks ago. Several international organizations are intervening on the ground to alleviate the humanitarian emergency, but so far the circumstances that caused the refugee’s escape are still unclear.

as reported from Bangui, Carol Valade

For Médecins Sans Frontières, there is no doubt that this is indeed a forced refusal and not a voluntary departure as first indicated by the local authorities. After a rebel attack on a Central African defense force (Faca), the soldiers returned to the camp. Rhian Gastineau, MSF Holland Head of Mission at CAR: “It was a forced act and to force the people living in the camp. It’s very serious because they do not have room for them. ”

In early June, about 8.5,000 people were expelled from the #Elevage makeshift camp, near #Bambari, Central African Republic (#CAR), after renewed fighting broke out.

They sought refuge in the association to a mosque in the city.

How is the situation now?


– MSF International (@MSF) June 18, 2021

The camp, which was mainly populated by Fulani Muslims displaced during the 2013 crisis, was reduced to ashes without knowing the origin of the fires yet. Witnesses questioned by NGOs describe a field of ruin. Videos published online show hundreds of people carrying some luggage.

Needs protection quickly

Some have taken refuge in the enclosure of the Bambari Mosque and sleep on the ground in particularly unsafe conditions. “We have to act very quickly, because right now it’s the rainy season,” says Rhian Gastineau. it is now to have protection, additional mosquito nets, food, clean water and insert latrines. ”

The small health post managed by Médecins Sans Frontières was destroyed in the camp fires. In an earlier report, NGOs were concerned that health structures were increasingly targeted.

►Read also: Refugees: UNHCR warns of situation in CAR, Sahel or Uganda


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