Kenya in shock after homicide


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In Kenya, the well-known environmental activist Joannah Stutchbury (67) was shot dead by four weapons on Thursday night outside her home. She got out of the car to clear branches that were blocking the way to her house. The perpetrators are still unknown on this day. About 40 NGOs and environmental associations have issued a joint statement and even President Kenyatta has responded.

as reported from Nairobi, Albane Thirouard

For conservationists, there is no doubt: it was because of her commitment that Joannah Stutchbury was killed. This Kenyan activist has been fighting for several years against illegal deforestation in the Kiambu forest, 16 km from the capital. His death caused a stir among environmental activists in Kenya.

In a statement, President Uhuru Kenyatta condemned the killings of “fools” who “constituted the blood of innocent people working hard to build a better Kenya for all”.

For Irungu Houghton, Executive Director of Amnesty International in Kenya, there is no doubt: it was his activism that claimed Joannah Stutchbury’s life. “It was a goal for private developers, because they want to use the forest. As much as possible. . It’s not a theft but a murder, because she was killed but nothing was stolen from her, they left everything there. Her murder is a shock to the whole country “, he explains.

Joannah Stutchbury had been threatened on several occasions and she was unfortunately not an isolated case in Kenya. In recent years, several conservationists have been murdered. “When we lose an environmental organization colleague, we tell ourselves that it can happen to us as well. People who fight for good causes are threatened or killed. As an environmental activist, I no longer feel safe here in Kenya, regrets Elizabeth Wathuti, an environmental activist and founder of the Generation Green initiative in Kenya.

Environmental activists, armed with extraordinary courage, are being murdered in increasing numbers. # JoannaStuchburry, remembered for her tireless efforts to protect the Kiambu Forest in Kenya has been killed?!

This must be condemned and justice served. Defend the defenders?!

– Elizabeth Wathuti ?? (@lizwathuti) 16 July 2021

Conservatives demand that Joannah Stutchbury’s killer be brought to justice. President Kenyatta promised that the police would do everything possible to stop them and called them “enemies of the country”.

►Read also: Kenya: avocado crops, a new threat to elephant survival


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