Construction Tragedy: Two Workers Fatally Shot on Dadaab-Garissa Highway

A shroud of mystery envelops the deadly shooting of two hospital construction workers in Dadaab, Garissa County.

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Authorities are delving into the Friday night incident that occurred while the workers were at an under-construction dispensary.

It is suspected that al-Shabaab militants, active in the vicinity, executed the lethal assault, according to police reports.

Officers at the scene noted that both victims, non-locals, were shot at point-blank range.

The laborers had wrapped up their day’s toil and were resting in their quarters when assailants ambushed them at Bogyar trading center along the Dadaab-Garissa highway.

The motive behind the attack remains undisclosed, authorities revealed.

The deceased were transported to the mortuary pending autopsy and further inquiry, police mentioned.

This locale grapples with security woes due to recurrent al-Shabaab assaults.

Positioned near the Kenya-Somalia boundary, this area deals with ongoing turmoil as efforts are ramped up to curb terrorist activities region-wide.

The government has amplified operations and bolstered resources, intending to mitigate these aggressions.

The proximity to the Kenya-Somalia border has spurred frequent terror-related incidents, requiring increased policing.

With heightened operations, law enforcement has thwarted numerous planned attacks in the vicinity.

An intensive campaign is underway to combat al-Shabaab-linked violence in these border regions.

Militants have targeted areas adjacent to the Kenyan border with firearms and explosives, resulting in fatalities and injuries.

Recent violent episodes prompted the government to halt plans to reopen the Kenya-Somalia border.

Somalia’s lack of a stable government complicates efforts to counter such terrorist incursions.

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