a creativity fair to help small businesses
In Madagascar, a creativity fair to support small businesses ends after the economic downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
as reported from Antananarivo, Laetitia Bezain
From 25 to 28 November, Antananarivo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the capital, gathered mostly rural companies. Crafts, delicacies, cosmetics or even clothing manufacturing: these companies lack knowledge but often find it difficult to make themselves known.
The Boeny farm, northwest of Madagascar, has been growing sweet potatoes, heirloom tomatoes and bambara peas for 70 years. At its stand, this small family business presents jams, candied fruit and dried vegetables.
This conversion activity was launched a few months ago, explains Holinavalona Rajaonarivelo, CEO: “We had just started this activity when the Covid-19 crisis came. With the containment, we could no longer deliver ourselves or make our deliveries. Now it is slowly gaining momentum. But as a rural company, our work is still underestimated by some customers. Since we are in the countryside, they believe that our products must be cheap when they have many requirements. But here, with the network between companies, we can find suppliers and potential distributors. ”
Made in Madagascar
Since the beginning of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19 and the closure of borders, customers are increasingly turning to Malagasy production, says Lucas, 33, at the helm of a micro-company that makes sandals and handbags, among other things: “People are much more aware at the moment about the positive economic effects of buying. locally, and I have discovered that even with local materials without imports, we can cope. “
About forty small and micro enterprises, originating in Analamanga, the capital region, but also from Bongolava or Itasy, in the west, made the journey.
►Also to listen: Madagascar: the economic consequences of Covid-19