the controversy surrounding the appointment of senior


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In Chad, a week after the appointment of senior officers, the controversy continues. The decree, dated May 21 by the Transitional Military Council, which appointed leading military officers within the DGSSIE, the presidential guard, sparked disputes.

as reported from Ndjamena, Aurélie Bazzara-Kibangula

According to the protesters, these appointments do not respond to any concerns about national balance and arouse communist discourse. This does not, according to them, encourage the announcement before the start of a national dialogue, a framework for reflection with a view to the installation of new institutions in the republic.

Blow to hope for change

The recent appointments in the presidency are a blow to those who hoped for change during this transition, according to the NGO African Humanitarian Action. Of the 37 senior officers appointed to positions of responsibility, a large majority come from the same society, that of Idriss Déby Itno.

For the head of government within the NGO AHA, “continuity from the beginning without the beginning. It is the same system that continues. It was a clan, regionalist nomination that helped secure power. It does not allow for national reconciliation. How many ethnic groups in Chad are in the army? They must be represented. Chad belongs to everyone ”.


On the part of the authorities, the spokesman for the transitional government, Abderaman Koulamallah, plays the card of appeasement: “These are all Chadians who have been appointed and who have been considered valid for these positions. “If military leaders, political leaders feel upset, the government will be able to adjust it without being able to sink into the madness of ethnic and tribal struggles that have caused great damage to our country.”

The nomination must be put on the table for the inclusive national dialogue, according to a government source. Without this, she said, it would be difficult to achieve peaceful cohabitation, one of the goals of the transition.

Read also: Chad: President Mahamat Idriss Déby welcomed the political class and civil society


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