The Congo platform is not for sale

Congo is not for sale platform has just published a ten-page report analyzing the Yabiso project by Israeli businessman Dan Gertler, again under US sanctions.

The nickname Joseph Kabila’s friend has offered Congolese investors to acquire up to 30% of the royalties from Metalkol, the Kolwezi mining project, even says he is ready to lend them some silver. For Congo is not for sale, this offer is a trap. The goal would be to wash the businessman and his opaque transactions … The report is entitled: “Yabiso, Dan Gertler’s umbrella”.

For Congo is not for sale, the most serious thing is that Dan Gertler gives himself income that should have remained state property. With royalties from Metalkol alone, the Israeli businessman was able to earn up to $ 20 million a year for fifteen years, according to this platform. Under their sales contract, he only paid Gécamine $ 55 million to buy them. The Israeli billionaire claims to have paid him a total of 83 million, which includes the payment of certain debts contracted by the state-owned mining company …

But Dan Gertler not only acquired these royalties, this report points out. It also acquired KCC and Mutanda. Everything without a call for tenders emphasizes that Congo is not for sale. Through these three mining projects, which are among the top five in the country in terms of copper and cobalt, Dan Gertler receives more than $ 200,000 per day, according to the citizen platform.

The Israeli businessman alone earns twice as much money as the state today invests in the Mining Fund for Future Generations.

For Congo is not for sale, the wealth sharing offer from Dan Gertler is originally very small, it only applies to 7% of the money he receives for these royalties, but above all it can be a way for Dan Gertler to protect himself against possible investigations by cooperating with a large number of Congolese investors.

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