The Chadians in the diaspora are hoping for an Advent

In Paris, several dozen Chadians, youths and opponents gathered in exile on Tuesday afternoon near the Chadian embassy, ​​in the 16th arrondissement, under the supervision of a large force. Police who prevented them from approaching the building.

With our special correspondent on site, Francois Mazet

The embassy’s heavy wooden door is properly closed, the police deployed, a few activists arrive, then a group of young people: flag, firecrackers, smoke bombs … Most only knew Idriss Déby as president of Chad. This Tuesday, they are swinging between the hopes of a new side for Chad after Idriss Déby’s death, and the fear of a burning of the situation, mainly due to the military’s takeover of power, which they qualify as unconstitutional.

► Read also: Idriss Déby’s death: “This brutal death throws Chad into insecurity”

Elderly, the militant Mahamat Saleh Daoud is finally hoping for a transition to civilian power: “We have an institution, we have a civil society, we have political parties, it is time for partners from Chad like France to reflect and work with them. Society rather than to favor a soldier or a son of Déby for a consequence. “

The role of the international community, especially France, is emphasized. In exile in Paris since 2013, blogger Makaila Nguebla hopes for a new approach. “Paris must reconsider its whole approach, all its analyzes and rely on other men who can provide the necessary support. We cannot separate French politics from this situation and we really hope that France will listen to us. ”

France faces responsibility for these members of the diaspora. But Abakar Moussa, an activist for the Transformers Party in Paris, emphasizes that it is above all the Chadians who must fight for democracy: “We were waiting and seeing and spectators, we did not take our fate in hand, that is why we failed to establish this true democracy. So it is up to the Chadians to realize that it is not over. For me, it all starts now. ”

The activists present nevertheless acknowledge that the military strangulation puts civil society in a difficult position.

► Read also: Idriss Déby’s death: France loses an important partner in the Sahel


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