Patrice Lumumba’s tooth will be returned to his

The date has now been confirmed, Patrice Lumumba’s tooth will be returned to her family on June 21 by the Belgian authorities. This figure of Congolese independence and the anti-colonial struggle was carried out in January 1961 before his body was dissolved in acid.

This tooth that belongs to Patrice Lumumba was was found five years ago in the daughter of a Belgian police officer responsible at the time to make the body disappear. This restoration will therefore take place on 21 June before the remnants of the former Congolese Prime Minister begin a journey through the Democratic Republic of Congo until 30 June.

“It will be handed over to the family and immediately thereafter, at the same place Egmont Palace [à Bruxelles] the solemn handover will take place with the Belgian and Congolese authorities. President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo will be present for this ceremony “, describes Balfu Bakupa Kanyinda, Belgian-Congolese filmmaker commissioned by the Congolese authorities to coordinate these ceremonies.

“On June 23, the remains of Patrice Lumumba will arrive in his home country of Onalua, where he was born. Onalua was christened “Lumumba-ville” two years ago and there will be clan mourning, her family’s mourning. On the morning of the 25th, Patricia Lumumba will join her political stronghold, the city of Kisangani, and on the 26th he will be in Lubumbashi, the place of her martyr. On the 27th, he will join the capital Kinshasa where he will receive popular tributes. And from there, on June 30, he will be buried in the place called Échangeur de Limete where he will find his real name, which is the Patrice Lumumba Memorial, the filmmaker continues.

King Philippe of Belgium will not travel to Kinshasa on June 30 for the national tribute to Patrice Lumumba due to health restrictions due to the Covid-19 crisis.

► To read also: Patrice Lumumba, a murdered independence


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