Minusca wants to reassure the security aspect of the election process

The UN Mission in the Central African Republic is awaiting the renewal of its mandate in mid-November, which since last year has included support for the electoral process. The electoral division of the mission has grown from 3 to 71 people. Since the start of the process, more than 100 special flights have been carried out, 120 tonnes of election material have been transported, 5,723 counters have been transported … On Wednesday 4 November, the organization took stock of what it has already achieved and its goals.

as reported from Bangui, Charlotte cosset

La Minusca provides operational and logistical support. But where it is undoubtedly the most anticipated, it is at the security level. Denise Brown, Deputy Special Representative to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, ensures the commitment of the mission, especially with women representing more than 46% of those registered on the electoral roll.

“Yes, there were difficulties, it’s true. We are in a country where we are coming out of a very difficult period. The force and UNPOL will carry out the work and we will ensure that the people on the electoral roll are able to vote. And I really insist, because it does not matter that there are so many women who left to be hired. “

Insecure security in this country, which is still under majority control of armed groups, where violations of the peace agreement are still common and where the effectiveness of the UN mission is regularly questioned. “There are sanctions, there are arrests, there are lists of sanctions. Various actions have been taken and we will continue to secure our mandate, which is to protect all the citizens of this country and cooperate with the state in this dissolution of armed groups, ”explains Lizbeth Cullity, representative. Special Assistant to the UN Secretary-General.

On the ground, Minusca has 12,500 peacekeeping forces to help secure the election.

Among the measures taken to end the conflict, the GDR process. La Minusca says 2,500 fighters have been disarmed since December 2018, half of them since June. In a statement dated Wednesday, the armed group UPC said it was ready to participate in this disarmament process.


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