Complaint against a member of the presidential party, Augustin Kabuya,

In the DRC, the organization Dynamique Impunité Zéro (DIZ) is taking legal action against a member of the presidential party, Augustin Kabuya, for calling on the population to revolt. According to this organization, the UDPS Secretary General threatened to distribute weapons to party militants to protect the power of President Felix Tshisekedi.

Thanks Tshiunza Ntatamika, coordinator of DIZ, believes that this incitement against civil violence risks setting fire and bloodshed in the country and calls on the judicial system to strike. The Supreme Court of Matete urged the prosecutor to come and confirm his complaint.

When questioned by the RFI, the DIZ coordinator confirms that the Secretary-General of the UDPS did not make a simple political statement. He can not promise weapons that he does not own, he added. This is why, in the name of the rule of law, he is asking for justice to seize “these facts” which Grace Tshiunza qualifies as criminals. Augustin Kabuya, for his part, speaks of statements taken from his real context. Statements from 2020, at the time of the crisis within the FCC-CACH coalition.


“The general secretary of the PPRD threatened the republic’s institutions,” said Augustin Kabuya. I quote: “if Mr Albert Yuma is affected, they will paralyze the republic and the country will not be ruled.” I replied: “There is no political party in our country that can count the number of widows and deaths within it, or widows or orphans.” I said and I keep saying, “We will not let it go.” ”

For the UDPS’s Secretary General, DIZ cheated. This organization took only twenty-two seconds of recording over an hour of video to support the accusation. A manipulation according to Augustin Kabuya who says he is waiting for the trial.

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