Germany’s Backing Provides Crucial Healthcare to Over a Million People in Northeast Somalia

GAROWE, Somalia (AXADLE) — The Puntland Government, an autonomous region in Somalia formed in 1998, proudly opened the Garowe General Hospital—a €2.3 million venture designed to serve over a million people.

The generous funding for this project came from Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, through the KfW Development Bank. UNICEF played a vital role in renovating the facility and securing essential medical gear.

At the inauguration, Puntland President Said Abdulahi Deni extended heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved. “My heartfelt thanks to KfW, the Ministry, Garowe General Hospital, and UNICEF for their tireless efforts in ensuring the quality and transparency of this project,” he voiced.

President Deni underscored the necessity for continuous health service development, especially benefiting women and children. “I hope this support persists, as many of our communities are still vulnerable and in need,” he added.

The German-backed Support to Strengthening Health Systems in Puntland (SSHSP) program has been critical, particularly during the drought crises in 2018 and 2022, which heightened malnutrition, disease, and displacement.

Puntland’s Health Minister, Said Jama Ali Qoorsheel, remarked, “This rehabilitation means over a million people can now access the state-of-the-art Garowe General Hospital, significantly bolstering Puntland’s health infrastructure.”

Since its initiation in 2017, the SSHSP program has poured close to €31 million into constructing and rehabilitating twelve health centers, two regional health offices, and three district hospitals, vastly enhancing access to essential health services.

UNICEF also supported 43 health facilities across the Mudug and Nugal regions, reaching over 700,000 individuals with outpatient services. The initiative vaccinated more than 130,000 infants and screened and treated over 130,000 children under five for acute malnutrition.

German Ambassador Sebastian Groth highlighted the transformative impact of the funding: “Germany has invested over €2 million in expanding and modernizing the Garowe General Hospital. The new Accident and Emergency Response Unit, Maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and world-class operating theaters will significantly uplift healthcare services.”

The Garowe General Hospital aims to tackle Somalia’s grave maternal, newborn, and childhood mortality rates. With 106 out of 1,000 children failing to reach their fifth birthday—a staggering under-five mortality rate—the new facility is crucial.

The hospital now features a comprehensive maternity and newborn unit, a modernized outpatient department, and enhanced utilities such as piped oxygen, water, and electricity. Bed capacity saw a 25% increase.

“Our thanks go to President Deni for his unwavering support and to Germany for investing in Somalia,” said Wafaa Saeed, UNICEF Somalia Representative. “UNICEF remains committed to supporting Garowe Hospital with vital supplies like vaccines and therapeutic food for malnourished children, ensuring mothers and their children receive free, quality healthcare.”

To maintain operations, the hospital requires nearly €1 million annually. Funds have been secured through the Puntland Ministry of Finance, UNICEF, and the World Bank’s Damaal Caafimad program until 2025. This substantial investment in Garowe General Hospital heralds a healthier future for Somalia, benefiting millions in the coming years.

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