Somali Cabinet Greenlights New Ambassadorial Appointments and Endorses Human Rights Policy

Mogadishu (AX) – At a bustling Thursday gathering in Mogadishu, Somalia’s Council of Ministers, led by Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre, gave the nod to two fresh ambassadorial appointments and endorsed a National Procedure Policy dedicated to human rights oversight.

Abdihakin Mohamed Ahmed Dhobodareed and Yusuf Ahmed Jeego snagged the ambassadorial slots, though the exact nations they’ll represent remain under wraps.

The ministers took a deep dive into the National Transformation Plan (NTP), which aims to bolster state structures and drive economic progress. A government communiqué highlighted that this blueprint would sharpen coordination among various agencies, enhance policy monitoring, and sync up state initiatives with Somalia’s long-term aspirations.

On the security front, the meeting spotlighted updates from the Ministries of Internal Security and Defense. These briefings focused on the quest to stabilize the nation and uproot the al-Shabab insurgency.

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