Northeastern State Security Forces Urge Evacuation Near Bosaso Airport Amid Power Struggle

Bosaso (AX) — The Northeastern State Security Forces (PSF) dropped a bombshell on Wednesday, issuing a stark notice to airlines operating out of Bosaso Airport, while also urging residents to clear the area due to a flare-up over airport control.

In a fiery declaration, the PSF lashed out at the current airport brass, accusing them of barring injured soldiers from accessing the facility. They demanded that the airport be reverted to its former administrators. According to the PSF, the airport should serve all Northeastern State citizens equally.

“We’re warning airlines to steer clear of Bosaso Airport until it’s returned to its previous management; it needs to be a space accessible to everyone. These soldiers were injured in the line of duty,” the PSF declared emphatically.

Highlighting recent challenges, the statement portrayed these developments as a significant blow to efforts against al-Shabab, stressing that for three years, PSF personnel haven’t been able to use the airport, even for medical evacuations.

This warning emerges amidst rising tension between the PSF and the Northeastern State Maritime Police Force (PMPF) in Bosaso. The friction hit a boiling point following the reported abduction of the PMPF director’s family member in the coastal town. It’s a tough time, and everyone’s on edge.

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