Somali CID Officers Commence Specialized Training in Criminal Investigation in Serbia

BELGRADE, Serbia (AX) — A freshly minted group of Somali detectives from the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is honing their skills in Serbia.

At the renowned Goć Training Centre in Serbia, these officers are delving into advanced policing techniques. They will be immersed in rigorous routines, encompassing practical enforcement strategies, physical conditioning, intelligence gathering, and high-stakes simulations of complex scenarios.

“Serbia’s support is invaluable for enhancing the Somali Police Force’s skills,” remarked Somali Ambassador to Serbia, Mohamed Abdullahi Ahmed. He added, speaking for the Federal Government of Somalia, “We are profoundly thankful for Serbia’s assistance, which is essential for equipping our officers to safeguard Somali citizens and leaders.”

Somali police force commissioner Sulub Ahmed Firin emphasized the “timely essential” aid from Serbian police, stating, “This training arrives at a pivotal moment, arming our officers with the know-how to confront the security hurdles at home.”

Reflecting the deepening security ties between Somalia and Serbia, this program is another stride in their collaboration. Last April, 60 elite Somali officers wrapped up an intensive four-month session at the Marshal Josip Broz Tito Special Forces Training School in Belgrade, fortifying the protection of Somali political leaders and foreign dignitaries.

During the same period, Somalia’s Minister of Internal Security, Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Ali (Dodishe), held discussions with Serbian defense honchos and representatives of Yugoimport SDPR, a Serbian defense firm. Their talks revolved around future training endeavors and the potential dispatch of Serbian security experts to Somalia.

Adding another layer to the cooperation, Ambassador Ahmed recently consulted with leaders of a Serbian aviation school to lock in a training program for Somali pilots.

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