Contradictory accounts surface following explosions in Mogadishu.

Chaos and Confusion Following Explosions in Mogadishu

Mogadishu experienced a wave of tumult on Saturday due to a series of powerful explosions that resonated throughout various neighborhoods. Initially, authorities attributed these jarring sounds to large plastic bags that had been strategically placed. “We would like to assure Mogadishu residents that what they heard resulted from plastic bags, and thankfully, no injuries or fatalities occurred,” the police announced. Light damage to tin-roofed houses did merit mention, but overall, the official narrative downplayed the gravity of the situation.

Yet, local journalists offered a dramatically different perspective. As they surveyed one bombed-out area, reports emerged of a mortar strike hitting a family home, where four sleeping children were present. The eldest daughter suffered minor wounds, casting a sharp shadow over the official version and raising the question: what truly happened that night?

Witnesses and community members relayed that multiple blasts rang out across the city. While initial speculation leaned toward mortar fire as the likely culprit, no group has stepped forward to claim responsibility. As the situation unfolds, authorities are reportedly ramping up security protocols in the impacted regions.

This string of explosions arrives just days after a verifiable mortar attack on September 5 in the Wadajir district, near the Halane Camp and Aden Adde International Airport, which resulted in injuries to two civilians. The growing tension in Mogadishu has residents on high alert, as clarity remains elusive amidst the chaos.

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