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Niger: A Year Post-Coup D’état, Worsening Conditions

Reflecting on a Year Under Military Rule in Niger To commemorate the anniversary of the CNSP's rise to power, Niger plans several days of festivities starting this Friday. It marks one year since the dramatic events of July 26, 2023, when soldiers forcefully removed Mohamed Bazoum from his presidential post. Since that coup, the former president has been held captive with his spouse in the presidential residence, his immunity stripped away last month. The army justified their abrupt takeover by citing worsening national…

Niger: General Tiani Steps Down a Year After the Coup d’État

Reflection on Niger's Military Coup: A Year in Review Niger marks a turbulent anniversary this Friday, July 26. Exactly a year ago, the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland (CNSP) seized the reins of power. The military junta ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in a swift coup. For General Abdourahamane Tiani, the president of the CNSP, the event marked a significant turning point. In a speech broadcast Thursday night on state television RTN, he offered no grand announcements. Instead, he indulged in a…

Bolivia’s Most Severe Road Accident of the Year Claims at Least 22 Lives

Tragic Traffic Accident in Bolivian Andes Claims 22 Lives A catastrophic clash between a truck and a bus on a highway in the rugged Bolivian Andes left 22 people dead and 16 injuries, marking the deadliest road tragedy in Bolivia this year, law enforcement reported. So far, authorities have identified 14 of the deceased. According to Chile's foreign ministry, at least one identified victim was Chilean. Initial statements revealed that both vehicle drivers were among the casualties. Traffic officer Nilo Torrico…

Niger: One Year Post-Coup, IMF Confirms

IMF Board Approves $70 Million Aid to Niger Following Political Turmoil The governing body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has sanctioned an immediate disbursement of $70 million to Niger on July 17, 2024. This financial assistance is part of several ongoing support initiatives targeting the Sahel nation, occurring nearly a year post the coup that unseated President Mohamed Bazoum.

in the Badalabougou district, one year after the coup, on

In Mali, August 18, is the first anniversary of the fall of Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta's regime. After seven years in office and just two years after his re-election for a second term, the former Malian president is the victim of a military coup. One year later, the residents of Badalabougou, the center of the protest against IBK, are divided.…

a year after the coup, what happens to Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta?

It has been exactly one year since he appeared in public. No official statement either. When he is not in his private home in Bamako, he spends most of his time in Abu Dhabi, for a private stay during which he takes care of his health. Examination of his new life. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielWe could call him "the…

One year after IBK’s forced departure, Malians are waiting

On August 18, 2021 in Mali, one year has passed since Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta was forced to resign through a military coup. A coup, without bloodshed, greeted by the audience who had contested IBK's management for several months. This protest was carried out by the coalition of opposition politicians, civil society and religious gatherings within the 5juin-Rassemblement des forces…

a year of health crisis marked by a

A report published in early July by a group of associations reports threats to individual freedoms acquired in Tunisia for 2020-2021. as reported from Tunis, Lilia blaisePunishing hatred on social networks is not punished, but in return it is punished to express oneself freely, especially when an Internet user criticizes…

one year after coming to power, what results

In Burundi, President Evariste Ndayishimiy celebrates the first anniversary of his accession to power on June 18 with a three-day religious crusade in Gitega, in the center of the country. The presidency made a brilliant assessment of this first year, civil society for its part is more reserved. The religious crusade in Gitega,…

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