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Bomb Blast Reported in Somalia, Marks Second Attack in a Week

Double Bomb Blasts in Somalia Stir Concerns Over Safety BELEDWEYNE, Somalia - Just weeks following the deadly explosion in Mogadishu’s capital, central Somalia is now reeling from another devastating blast. This latest incident sparks new doubts over how effectively authorities are combating Al-Shabaab insurgents, notorious for their relentless campaign against the government. Witness accounts confirmed that Wednesday’s explosion ripped through a popular eatery in the Hawo Tako neighborhood of Beledweyne. The area is a…

Trump Shooting: Three Key Developments to Watch This Week

Trump Survives Assassination Attempt; Faces Crucial Week Ahead Donald Trump is set to be officially named the Republican presidential candidate this week, against the backdrop of a failed assassination attempt that has further deepened political tensions in the United States. Democratic President Joe Biden has called for an investigation into how a 20-year-old with an AR-15-style rifle managed to get close enough to target Trump from a rooftop last Saturday. Here's what to watch in the days to come: 1. Republican…

After Cameroon, Cinema Week moves to Niger

The districts of the Nigerian capital and some regions will be lively from Sunday 27 March all week. For good reason, the 2nd edition of Film Week will be held there and where about forty films will be shown. An initiative by young African directors who want…

Glimmers of Hope – Week of

"Pritzker", a prestigious brand of recognition, which goes for the "Nobel" for architecture, has just been awarded to Burkinabè Diébédo Francis Kéré for 2022. His country grew out of it. Africa too.…

Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz Affair – Week of

A former head of state behind bars, for not having, it is said, respected the measures of his judicial control, as part of the ongoing investigation of a corruption case against him. How can one explain this impression of embarrassment that seems to arouse the case of Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz? It clearly carries a force of…

Can just as well assume! – The week of

Coups that are increasingly tolerated by the African Union, the sub-regional organizations and some African friends, it will be necessary to stop putting their authors in the position of having to account. Emmanuel Macron, who announced the end of Operation Barkhane, says France does not need to replace African states forever.…

review of the hearing week at the Soro trial

Guillaume Soro and 19 of his relatives are being prosecuted for their involvement to varying degrees in an alleged conspiracy against the state. 14 defendants appear, the other 6 are in exile. This week for two days, Abidjan heard the criminal case from the close guard of the close rebel leader, as well as one of his two brothers and his former chief of protocol. But at the end of 5 days of hearing, this trial does not yet seem to release any responsibility or clear roles in this alleged conspiracy. At the moment, the…

A puzzling texture … – The week of

What if Africa, from the point of view of law and democracy, had fallen thirty years later, for waiting and wallowing in a sweet deviation, for perfect democracy to fall from heaven or arise from heaven? savannah or forest? You ask yourself a question this morning: What's going on in Bamako? "Coup d'Etat in the coup," says…

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