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North Western of Somalia Cautions Against Turkish Navy’s Presence in Somali Waters

North Western of Somalia Voices Opposition to Turkish Naval Presence in Somali Waters MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somaliland, a self-declared republic, has issued a firm caution to Somalia regarding the proposal of Turkish Naval forces patrolling its waters. In a recent declaration, Somaliland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphatically denounced the possibility of Turkish naval intervention, stating, "We categorically oppose any planned involvement of Turkish naval forces within our legally defined maritime zones." This…

Turkish Vessel Carrying More Than 2,400 Tons of Humanitarian Relief Arrives in Sudan

Turkish Vessel Loaded with 2,400 Tons of Aid Touches Down in Sudan A Turkish ship, groaning under the weight of 2,400 tons of humanitarian aid, has reached the shores of Sudan. This relief effort is in response to the burgeoning need for essential supplies, brought on by recent crises. "Seeing this generous outpouring of support is heartening," remarked Sadiq Al-Mahdi, a local relief coordinator. The cargo includes food, water, and medical supplies, set to alleviate the hardships faced by the local populace. Turkey has…

Turkish Ministerial Delegation Makes Significant Visit to Niger

Niger and Turkey: Strengthening Ties Niger and Turkey: Strengthening Ties Niger and Turkey are looking to bolster their collaboration. A substantial Turkish delegation visited Niamey on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, marking a significant occasion. According to local media sources, discussions spanned an array of critical sectors like defense, oil, education, and health. "This is a pivotal moment as the CNSP continues realigning its alliances," one report noted, highlighting that nearly a…

Turkish Foreign Minister Participates in Joint Working Group Session in Niger

Turkish Foreign Minister Engages in Collaborative Group Session in Niger "Turkey's top diplomat recently joined a cooperative assembly in Niger," said one official. This crucial gathering aimed to fortify bilateral ties between the two nations, ushering in a new era of collaboration and mutual growth. Niger, a key player in West Africa, hosted the meeting. The two countries discussed a series of important topics ranging from economic partnerships to security concerns. Both sides conveyed their willingness to deepen…

Prime Minister Roble skips Somali and Turkish celebrations amid allegations with Farmaajo

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, who is also the coordinator of government functions, skipped dinner for outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo on Thursday evening tomark the 10th anniversary of Somali-Turkish cooperation. It was activated in 2011 when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan first visited Somalia as PrimeMinister. Since then, Ankara and Mogadishu have beencelebrating the day to strengthen their relationship. Relations with Farmaajo While the country prepares to hold general…

Saudi Arabia is closing eight Turkish colleges

Saudi Arabia determined to shut eight Turkish colleges at the tip of the present tutorial 12 months, based on what the official Turkish Anadolu company reported on Wednesday, in a choice that might anger Ankara, who sought to reassure relations with Riyadh. Based on Anadolu, the Saudi authorities have knowledgeable the Turkish Ministry of Training that these eight establishments can have to shut their doorways completely by the tip of the present college 12 months. These establishments have a whole of 2256 college…

Libyan warlord Haftar threatens to focus on Turkish forces

Libyan putschist general Khalifa Haftar, who launched an offensive last year to capture the capital Tripoli from the UN-recognized government led by Prime Minister Fayez Sarraj, on Thursday threatened to use force against Turkish troops if Ankara does not stop supporting the legitimate government in the war-torn North African country.

Libyan-bound Turkish cargo ship captured by Haftar forces

Putschist General Khalifa Haftar's forces claimed late Monday that they had intercepted a Turkish ship flying a Jamaican flag on its way to the port of Misrata in western Libya. Turkey is the main foreign supporter of the internationally recognized government of the National Accord (GNA) in the West, which has been fighting the Haftar-led East Libyan National Army (LNA) for years. LNA spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari said the commercial cargo ship, the Mabrouka, had a crew of 17, including nine Turkish…

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