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Report: Tigrayans forcibly disappeared in Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa

NAIROBI, Kenya - Human Rights Watch report suggests Ethiopian authorities arbitrarily detained, forcibly disappeared, and committed other abuses against Tigrayans in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, in what now Tigray Defense Forces confirms allegations of mass killings in the Tigray region. HRW now wants the Ethiopian authorities to immediately report on the enforced disappearance of the Tigrayans, release those detained without credible evidence of a crime, and end all discriminatory treatment. On June 28, after…

Ethiopia: TDF accuses UN of mendacity as battle in Tigray escalates

Ethiopia: TDF accuses UN of lying as conflict in Tigray escalates NAIROBI, Kenya - The Tigray Defense Forces accused a UN body of misleading the public about alleged deaths in Galicoma in the Afar region, where the separatist group has been accused of opening fire, killing children and innocent women . Henrietta Fore, the Executive Director of UNICEF, released a statement last week accusing TDF…

Ethiopia ends ceasefire when Tigray rebels

Ethiopia on Tuesday ended a ceasefire against the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which had previously stopped the government's military offensive in the north of the country. The announcement to end the ceasefire declared by the government in the conflict with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) came in a statement from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's office. Nearly 2 million Ethiopians have been displaced internally as a result of the conflict, while tens of thousands have fled to…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy urges civilians to go armed

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on Tuesday that all eligible civilians would join the armed forces as fighting raged in several regions of Africa's second most populous nation. "Now is the time for all talented Ethiopians who are of age to join the armed forces, special forces and militias and show your patriotism," the Abiy office said in a statement released less than two months after declaring a unilateral ceasefire. against Tigray rebels. Northern Ethiopia has been devastated by…

Protesters block Ethiopia-Djibouti rail hyperlink over battle

Protesters block Ethiopia-Djibouti rail link as conflict escalates NAIROBI, Kenya - The vital rail and road link to Djibouti was destroyed on Wednesday, which could now cut essential supplies to Addis Ababa, which depends on the port of Djibouti for imports and exports, essential to the Ethiopian economy. A senior government official said the railway had been partly uprooted and some sections…

US warns of assaults on Eritreans in northern Tigray, Ethiopia

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United States has raised concerns over attacks on Eritrean refugees in Tigray, adding that "such aggression should end immediately." A number of Eritreans are living in Tigray after being displaced from their homes. A spokesperson for the Stage Department said Tuesday that Washington was extremely "concerned" about the attacks, calling them "unnecessary and backward" in a statement. "We are deeply concerned by credible reports of attacks by military forces affiliated with the Tigray Defense…

Understanding the advanced Ethiopian battle because the ENDF prepares the assault on

Understanding the complex conflict in Ethiopia as the ENDF prepares the assault on TDF NAIROBI, Kenya - For decades Ethiopia has been under a dictatorial rule primarily as a reason why conflict was rare, and even in its presence it was generally small in scale compared to what the world is currently experiencing. Since Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in 2018, the country has first…

Tigrayan forces transfer nearer to Amhara territory throughout Ethiopia battle

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Tigray Defense Forces continued to close in on Amhara and Afar territories, a move that could further inflame conflict in Ethiopia, which has been rife with unrest in recent months. Since November 2020, the conflict has taken to a higher level after the Ethiopian National Defense Forces , Eritrean troops and Amhara regional forces attacked the Tigray region in pursuit of the TDF, which has ruled the state for several years. According to the American publication Amhara, TDF penetrated the Amhara…

Fighting breaks out in Sitti, Ethiopia’s Somali area, amid tensions

NAIROBI, Kenya - Ethnic and political skirmishes in Ethiopia have taken on another dimension, after Tuesday's clashes in the town of GarbaIssa in the Somali region, something could further hamper peacemaking processes in the Horn of Africa nation . According to reports from the BBC Somali Service, fighting broke out in the town of the Sitti zone of the Somali region between herders and militias from the Afar region. The battle comes a day after the Somali regional state said it would protect its residents of the city on…

Ethiopia’s Amhara State recruits extra teenagers and guarantees to crush TDF in

Ethiopia's Amhara State recruits more youth, promises to crush TDF in Tigray NAIROBI, Kenya - The conflict in Ethiopia appears to be spiraling out of control as Amhara regional forces have gathered more young people to join the combat strategy with the Tigray Defense Forces. which closes in the north by buying back its strongholds. Amhara State called on young people to join the regional army,…

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