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The week of

Boubèye: We’ll let him die

He had the sacred duty of a nation, which was to protect its citizens. But when the "great servant of the state" at a sensitive time in his life needed protection, he was simply left to his fate ... The…

Glimmers of Hope – Week of

"Pritzker", a prestigious brand of recognition, which goes for the "Nobel" for architecture, has just been awarded to Burkinabè Diébédo Francis Kéré for 2022. His country grew out of it. Africa too.…

Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz Affair – Week of

A former head of state behind bars, for not having, it is said, respected the measures of his judicial control, as part of the ongoing investigation of a corruption case against him. How can one explain this impression of embarrassment that seems to arouse the case of Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz? It clearly carries a force of…

Can just as well assume! – The week of

Coups that are increasingly tolerated by the African Union, the sub-regional organizations and some African friends, it will be necessary to stop putting their authors in the position of having to account. Emmanuel Macron, who announced the end of Operation Barkhane, says France does not need to replace African states forever.…

One hundred years of radio … and beautiful journalism

In this century of radio history, Africa has its part, sometimes beautiful, sometimes painful. Some memories ... To peel with delicacy. A century of radio existence. Can we say here that in the history of mankind, the invention of radio is undoubtedly one of those that had and continues to have a decisive impact on human life?…

A puzzling texture … – The week of

What if Africa, from the point of view of law and democracy, had fallen thirty years later, for waiting and wallowing in a sweet deviation, for perfect democracy to fall from heaven or arise from heaven? savannah or forest? You ask yourself a question this morning: What's going on in Bamako? "Coup d'Etat in the coup," says…

Of the credibility of African countries

In retrospect, Africa has almost returned to a time of repeated coups from the past. To the great misfortune of the people. It was in Paris this week. Africa was the guest of honor at a summit to raise awareness among partners and other donors of the need for significant funding for the revival of economies damaged by the…

Chad: Win or negotiate – The Week of

To ensure that the battle towards the insurgency to not change into a enterprise that they might use to legitimize an indefinite presence at Chad's helm, the army energy in Ndjamena should someway cease it and shortly. After a day of violent repression, Emmanuel Macron revised downward what may very well be seen as France's…

A little more respect for the opposition in Chad

"Patriote", "right", "fair" and "good" ... Astonishing, like the lovable Marshal Déby described by some of his comrades, his followers and his family, seems different from the man as the other party in his people observed, and it fought against his adversary, his adversary. If only heads of state could show the same kindness to their people as their families.…

Repair predecessors’ mistakes and mistakes

To avoid constantly being in the situation of having to apologize in the future, France should, from today onwards, address a kind of perception of relations between politicians or the interests of more or less private French and African leaders and states. Hatred at the heart of political life in Africa. This was what led to…

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