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Turkey’s Oruc Reis Survey Vessel Scheduled to Depart for Somalia This Saturday

In the latter part of October, a ship is set to anchor near Somalia's shore to perform seismic surveys for potential oil and gas reserves!Casting off from Istanbul this Saturday, Türkiye's own research vessel, Oruc Reis, is prepped for a Somali voyage, with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar waving it off.The boat's on track to hit Somalia's waters before October fades. There, it'll hunt for oil and gas in three zones where Türkiye's bagged exploration rights, according to official chatter…

DR Congo launches its general mining survey

The Democratic Republic of Congo organizes the general states of the mines, its economy, but which is in contrast to the poverty of the population and the meager economic mobilizations of the state. Bosses from mining companies, civil society and authorities have together made an inventory of the mines since Thursday in Kinshasa.…

“My body belongs to me”, UN survey

The United Nations Population Fund publishes "State of the World Population 2021" on Wednesday 14 April. With the title this year My body belongs to me, and the report is devoted for the first time to the power and freedom that women have at their disposal over their bodies, without coercion or violence, in different parts of the world, and especially in Africa.…

Burkina Faso: a survey of a global community of

In Burkina Faso, Apollinaire Compaoré, the president of the employer, is he involved in smuggling to finance terrorist groups? In any case, this is the conclusion of five journalists from four countries, including Burkina Faso, after an investigation as part of the reporting project on organized crime and corruption. According…

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