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South Africa

achievement of the South African Buitendag before

In addition to the bronze medal won by Ivorian Ruth Gbagbi in taekwondo, Tuesday was marked by the performance of Bianca Buitendag, who eliminated Australian Stephanie Gilmore, seven-time world champion in surfing. In swimming, South African Tatjana Schoenmaker aims for gold. SWIMMINGAfter setting a new Olympic series record on Sunday in the 100 m breaststroke…

“This pandemic has exposed vulnerability

South Africa has announced a contract with Pfizer-BioNTech laboratories to produce its anti-Covid-19 vaccine on site, while the continent is far behind the rest of the world in the vaccination race. In addition to the current pandemic, the long-term goal is therefore to develop the vaccine industry in future pandemics. Doctor Anissa Boumlic-Courtade, a member of the board of the African Vaccine Manufacturing Initiative (AVMI), is a guest at RFI. .

In South Africa, the ports were affected

Since Thursday, July 22, the computer system of the state-owned company Transnet, which manages all ports in South Africa, has been inaccessible, as has its official website. as reported from Johannesburg, Romain SongThe company Transnet and the South African government have so far neither indicated any leads to the origin of…

Ivory Coast near Quarters, Africa

Author of a draw against Brazil, the Ivorians are approaching the quarterfinals of the Tokyo Olympic Games football tournament. Beaten by France at the end of a crazy match, the South Africans are about to eliminate. The Egyptians still have a chance despite their defeat against Argentina. Three days after his victory against…

Discover human dignity in words

Antjie Krog is known all over the world for his emotional reports aimed at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and is above all a poet. She is the author of fifteen collections of poems whose themes range from critiques of apartheid to feminism, including the aging body, the cause of the marginalized but also the landscape as a metaphor and ecology. The issue of ecology…

Pfizer / BioNTech produces 100 million doses

After Johnson & Johnson allied itself with Aspen, it is Pfizer / BioNTech's turn to partner with a South African company to produce its anticovid vaccine. The manufacturer has signed an agreement with the Biovac Institute, a semi-state company based in Cape Town. This will be the first time a Messenger RNA vaccine has been produced in Africa. Target: 100 million doses per year by 2023. Production…

Jacob Zuma remains silent in court

Following the violence and looting, former President Jacob Zuma will appear on Monday, July 19, for corruption in one of the many cases for which he is charged. These are arms agreements signed with the French industrialist Thalès in the 1990s. It is Jacob Zuma's first public appearance since he has been behind bars. The former president appears for video conferencing for health reasons but also for…

after the looting, the time is now

In South Africa, donations of food and essentials have been introduced throughout the weekend. The destruction of hundreds of shops and supermarkets in the KwaZulu-Natal region put pressure on the poorest populations, and for a few days it was difficult to find bread or at prices far above normal. With our special correspondent…

cleaning is necessary

South Africa celebrates the memory of former President Nelson Mandela. Known as "Mandela Day", this day aims to hire him. Each person can donate 67 minutes of their time to a good cause. This year, after several days of looting in the country, it is the clean-up operations that have become apparent. In the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal regions, several communities have come together to clean up companies…

government at the bedside in KwaZulu-Natal

KwaZulu-Natal is the province most affected by the spiral of violence that has shaken South Africa in recent days, with 180 dead out of a total of more than 200 killed in the wake of ex-president Jacob Zuma's prison. It is in this region that President Cyril Ramaphosa visited on Friday, July 16, to assess the damage. The Minister of Police was also present this Saturday, July 17, as well as figures from…

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