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NISA on website about lacking head of division in Somalia elections

NISA on site about missing head of department ahead of Somalia elections NAIRONI, Kenya - the Somalia spy agency; the National Intelligence Security Agency was indicted following the disappearance of one of his employees, who had worked as a manager for several years. Ikran Tahil Farah, 24, was responsible for cybersecurity at NISA headquarters in Mogadishu before his mysterious disappearance…

US injects $ 15 million into UK ladies’ training program in Somalia

US injects $ 15 million into UK girls' education program in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's girls' education program has received a major boost from USAID, following the injection of $ 15 million into the UK-run project, which primarily targets adolescent girls in the nation of the Horn of Africa. Somalia is one of the countries where access to education is a bit difficult due to a…

Vans carrying humanitarian support despatched to Tigray amid hostility

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid sent to Tigray amid hostility in Amhara NAIROBI, Kenya - The Ethiopian government, together with various international stakeholders, has dispatched around 40 trucks loaded with food and non-food items, state media reported, in an effort to rescue a starving population in the Tigray region. Despite claims that Ethiopia does not commit to allowing aid teams access…

You won’t ever break us, says Somalia to Al-Shabaab as police commander

You will never break us, Somalia tells Al-Shabaab as police commander survives MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali federal government fired warning shots at Al-Shabaab militants just hours after an attack on a senior police commander, in recent violence reported by the al-Qaeda-linked group, which has is wreaking havoc in East Africa. On Saturday, the terrorist group took responsibility for the…

Somalia: Farmajo dragged into the North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee

Somalia: Farmajo dragged into disputes over North Western of Somaliaelectoral committee MOGADISHU, Somalia - Outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo is once again on the spot for the current stalemate between Somaliland's senior leaders and the federal government, following differences in the appointment of members of the electoral committee. With just 14 days to go before the start of…

Abiy Ahmed: Farmajo’s confederate?

Abiy Ahmed: Farmajo's accomplice? NAIROBI, Kenya - For decades, unity in the Horn of Africa has been a major concern across the world, with persistent conflicts, terrorism and general political instability being some of the shortcomings that have prevented the region from making progress on the continent. the socio-economic plan. But in recent years, this approach seems to have changed…

Somalia: Farmajo interferes in Gedo election as Roble seeks resolution

Somalia: Farmajo interferes in Gedo election as Roble seeks solution MOGADISHU, Somalia - Although he has given Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble full responsibility for coordinating the country's elections, outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo appears interested in monitoring elections in Gedo, a region of Jubaland where he wants full control. . Jubaland has traditionally opposed…

Somalia: Mideeye Party on the point of collapse amid inner feuds

AXADLE, Northeastern State - Northeastern State's Mideeye Party is facing a mass exodus of its senior members, which could significantly affect its operations within the state, just months away from local elections due to start in October this year. The Mideeye party is one of nine political parties registered by the Northeastern State Transitional Election Commission , which has the mandate to approve political parties in the northern state, which is preparing for local elections by universal suffrage. The party was…

REPORT: Amhara troops assault Tigers in Humera and Alamata

REPORT: Amhara troops attack Tigers in Humera and Alamata NAIROBI, Kenya - The conflict in Tigray could be far from over despite the declaration of a ceasefire, Axadlehas learned, due to the lingering antagonism in the region, mainly targeting the Tigray community that lives in the north of. Ethiopia. According to a report published by EritreaHub, residents of the towns of Humera and Alamata…

ISIS militants killed in Northeastern State, Somalia in battle on terror

ISIS militants killed in Northeastern State, Somalia as war on terror escalates BOSSASO, Northeastern State - Northeastern State security forces stepped up the fight against IS-Somalia extremists who lobbied for control of the northern state, but whose efforts were often unsuccessful thanks to vigilant security forces in the region. PSF on Friday dislodged IS-Somalia militants from their hidden…

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