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ENDF condemns troopers “working with” TDF as Tigray battle takes form

ENDF condemns troopers "working with" TDF as Tigray battle takes form ADDIS ABABA - Conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray area seems removed from over, following current disciplinary motion in opposition to quite a lot of Ethiopian nationwide protection forces , after days of army trial within the Horn of Africa nation. According to the Addis Ababa Standard, the southern command army court docket has…

fifteen soldiers killed in an ambush in the center, according to

Fifteen Malian soldiers were killed in an ambush blamed on jihadists on Thursday, August 19, in the center of the country, the Malian army announced. At least 20 others were injured and taken to a hospital in the town of Sévaré. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielThe attack took place exactly between the towns of Nokara and…

TDF youngsters and troopers amongst 1000’s detained in Oromia, Ethiopia

TDF children and soldiers among thousands detained in Oromia, Ethiopia NAIROBI, Kenya - A number of young children are among those held by Ethiopian authorities, it has been said, in the new wave of detentions targeting Tigrayans, on suspicion of supporting the Tigray Defense Force. . In an interview with The Associated Press on a hidden phone, one of the detainees described the harsh conditions…

at least 47 civilians and soldiers were killed in an attack in

A new attack took place today in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso. A convoy of civilians has been targeted and tolls are high, around one hundred dead in total. According to security sources, 47 civilians and soldiers as well as 58 terrorists were killed. as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya BoudaniThe attack took place on the…

the six soldiers held at an airport released, Paris

The six French soldiers and the helicopter, which have been held since Wednesday at the airport in Bata, Equatorial Guinea's economic capital, where they landed their planes to refuel, were allowed to leave the territory on Friday night, the French army confirmed to RFI. The six French soldiers were allowed to land urgently in…

at least six soldiers were killed in the Boko attack

At least six Cameroonian soldiers were killed on Saturday in a Boko Haram attack north of Cameroon, where jihadists intensified the attacks, the region's governor said on state television. Boko Haram carried out an attack on a military post in Sagme, near the border with Nigeria, in the far north of the country on Saturday…

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