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Mali: Footage Captures Malian Soldier Removing One

Disturbing Video of Alleged Cannibalism by Malian Soldier Sparks Outrage A chilling video that surfaced on social media yesterday has sent shockwaves through Mali and beyond. The footage reveals an individual dressed in a Malian military uniform dismembering a body and consuming its liver. These deeply unsettling images have provoked profound concerns about the potential occurrence of cannibalism among Malian troops.

attack on the prefect Wour by a soldier in Tibesti

The prefect of Wour, a town in the far north of the country, was attacked in his home by a soldier on Wednesday 18 August. The tension had been going on between the two authorities for several days, around a story about the seizure of vehicles that are suspected to be part of a stolen car dealership. The government condemns the soldier's attitude and supports the prefect.…

one dead soldier and several civilians killed

In the Central African Republic, a Central African soldier, a peacekeeper and several civilians were killed in Obo in the east of the country on Monday, according to confirming sources. If the different parties agree on the results, the sources of the causes of the event differ. as reported from Bangui, Carol ValadeAround 20,…

Eritrean-trained soldier dies in Somalia after ‘escaping’ Asmara

AXADLE, Northeastern State - A young soldier allegedly trained in Eritrea was killed in the town of Afgoye, 30 km northwest of Mogadishu, a few weeks after escaping from Eritrea, where he had been "smuggled" for a training by the Somali authorities. Abdulmalik Abdullahi Haji, in his twenties, succumbed to injuries sustained from a knife attack, sources said, following a minor argument with a friend in town. He has since been buried. Abdulmalik was among thousands of Somali boys lured into bogus jobs in Doha, but sent…

one Nigerian soldier killed and two French wounded

A Nigerian soldier was killed on Tuesday (June 15) during fighting in the "three borders" area of ​​Mali. Three other soldiers were injured: another Nigerian soldier and two French soldiers from the Barkhane force. This collision occurred on Tuesday, June 15, in the In Araban sector of Mali, southwest of Ménaka, in Liptako, a…

Somalia appoints team to investigate complaints about soldier training

Somalia appoints team to investigate complaints about training of soldiers in Eritrea MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia has bowed to pressure on the underground training of young soldiers in Eritrea, following protests from their parents and opposition figures, who accuse the government of withholding information on their progress. There are nearly 5,000 soldiers training in Eritrea, but the government has…

a new soldier killed in the northeastern part of the country

The Ivory Coast is hit by an attack in the northeast, near the border with Burkina Faso, with the death of an Ivorian soldier. The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Lassina Doumbia, announced this on Tuesday, June 8, the day after the attack. as reported from Abidjan, Jean-Luc AploganThe attack is repeated and always…

an Ivorian soldier killed in an attack in

An attack took place Monday night in the northeastern Ivory Coast. According to the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, one soldier lost his life. The attack took place in the town of Tougbo not far from the Burkinabe border. A sector where uncertainty reappears. With our special correspondent in Abidjan, Jean-Luc AploganThis…

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