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Somali Minister Refutes Claims of Withholding Ex-PM Roble’s Passport

Mogadishu (AX): In the ever-tumultuous world of international diplomacy, intrigue is not uncommon. This week, Somali State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ali Mohamed Omar Balcad found himself at the center of a diplomatic sparring match. Allegations have surfaced from former Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, accusing the ministry of hindering his diplomatic passport clearance, preventing a timely visit to South Africa. In a candid interview on Friday with a local television channel, Minister Balcad sought to clarify…

EDITORIAL: Why Somalia’s House of Commons elections could be the most important test for Prime Minister Roble

EDITORIAL | Somalia's Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble recently received an award from across Somalia for raising political figures in elections. . This week, the historic past of the elections has shifted to the House of Representatives, the key body of the bicameral federal parliament, which primarily issues legal advice in Somalia, as well as tax permits. But the consideration of this chamber, also known as the House of the People, is mainly due to the proven fact that the 275 elected members decide who will become…

Robles magi? PM gathers stakeholders when election negotiations take shape

Robles magi? PM gathers stakeholders when election negotiations take shape in Somalia MOGADISHU, Somalia - With almost all opposing teams supporting his efforts to unite the country, Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble seems to have been given the much-needed springboard in the election talks, having managed to bring almost everyone to the negotiating table. The country expects a major…

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