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US and Russia Engage in Dialogue: A Promising Move Towards Resolving the Conflict in Ukraine

Every war reaches a conclusion, even if the form it takes can be elusive. Historically, a formal treaty is necessary, stipulating the terms under which hostilities cease and detailing the framework for the post-war landscape. This necessity seems distant for Ukraine. Yet, the United States is actively pursuing a pathway to resolution, applying intense pressure to facilitate negotiations with the aggressor. The U.S. has framed its recent discussions with Russia as a crucial first step in establishing a peace agreement to put…

A team of experts responsible for resolving the dispute

Experts from the two countries have been in Pweto at the border since last Friday with the aim of updating the border for the part of their border between the Moero and Tanganyika lakes, whose route is still controversial. The area is regularly the scene of clashes between the Congolese and Zambian armies. as reported from…

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