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International Monetary Fund Cautions Central African Republic on Economic Risks

IMF Visit and Fuel Supply Challenge in the Central African Republic IMF Visit and Fuel Supply Challenge in the Central African Republic From July 10 to July 17, 2024, a delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) landed in Bangui to engage in discussions with Central African Republic officials. The purpose of this visit was to assess the country’s economic trajectory and address ongoing issues. One critical and persistent problem highlighted during the visit is the fuel supply campaign…

Central African Republic: Urca Opposition Party Calls for a

Political Demands During Urca's Anniversary Strong Demands on Urca’s Decade Celebration Marking a decade since its formation, the Union for Central African Renewal (Urca) celebrated its ten-year milestone on July 24, 2024. In a significant move, President Anicet Georges Dologuélé challenged the contentious Constitution, adopted in August 2023, by appealing for revisions to all divisive clauses. "We must amend all articles that carve rifts among our people," he asserted,…

Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Carter Center Releases Its Election Report

The Carter Center Unveils Election Report in the Democratic Republic of the Congo In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a significant moment unfolded on July 24 in Kinshasa. It was seven months after the December 20, 2023 elections, encompassing the presidential race won by President Félix Tshisekedi alongside his coalition. The Carter Center seized the opportunity to present its detailed electoral mission report. Contextualizing this, December’s election marked a pivotal democratic exercise in the nation. Félix…

17 Civilians Allegedly Killed by ADF Rebels in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Suspected ADF Rebels Allegedly Kill 17 Civilians in Eastern Congo Reports indicate that a tragic incident has unfolded in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Locals attribute the brutal attack to the suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an armed group notorious for their ruthless tactics. According to eyewitnesses, the carnage claimed 17 innocent lives, marking another grim chapter in the ongoing violence that plagues the area. This attack throws into stark relief the instability that has long…

Democratic Republic of Congo: Videos Raise New Alarms About the Situation

Makala Prison: A Grim Reality in Kinshasa In Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo's capital, Makala Prison bursts at the seams, detaining ten times its intended inmates. It's a hellhole—plain and simple. On June 19, Congolese journalist Stanis Bujakera released harrowing footage revealing the suffocating conditions, with prisoners crammed like sardines into a tiny cell. “Inhumane and deadly,” he declared with sorrow and disgust. Bujakera wasn't just reporting from a safe distance. Convicted for an article tying…

Central African Republic: Aid Organizations Worry About Setbacks

Justice Minister of Central African Republic Sets Deadline for Human Rights NGOs The Central African Republic's Minister of Justice has laid down a hard deadline. By July 30, all NGOs, both local and international, focusing on human rights must hand in their 2023 activity reports. This echoes a previous call by the Minister of Economy, urging these organizations to comply with their legal responsibilities. Human rights groups admit there have been gaps due to unclear guidelines. Yet, they ponder the intent and timing of…

Latest Reports: Aggressive Conflict Engulfs Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Le Phare Highlights Renewed Tensions and Internal Conflicts The daily newspaper Le Phare has taken aim at the Rwandan military and their allies, alleging that they have repeatedly ignored the cease-fire brokered by the United States from July 5 to 19. According to this publication, this malevolent alliance has been plunging ahead with a campaign to seize new regions in Lubero, Rutshuru, Masisi, and Nyiragongo. Le Phare reports that on Monday, an explosion near the village of Bweremana tragically ended four lives and…

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Kinshasa Calls in Ugandan Ambassador

Diplomatic Tensions Spark Between Uganda and DRC Over Rebel Allegations On a notable Friday, Matata Twaha, Uganda's charge d'affaires in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, found himself in a hornet's nest. Summoned by Gracia Yamba Kazadi, the Congolese deputy foreign minister, a stern conversation ensued. The backdrop to this diplomatic tête-à-tête was a highly controversial UN report. According to this report, Uganda has been accused of backing the notorious M23 rebels. As one might expect, Mr. Twaha vehemently…

Seized Property Confiscated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: End of Final Deadline Approaches

DR Congo Sets Deadline for Judicial Officers to Declare Seized Assets In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), legal bigwigs and prosecutors have been given until 19 July 2024 to disclose a comprehensive list of assets they’ve confiscated in their line of duty. This move is spurred by Constant Mutamba, and Justice Minister, aiming to tackle corruption and money laundering head-on. This deadline emphasizes the urgency for accountability within the judicial system. "These measures are crucial in rooting out financial…

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