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The Origins of Algerian Literature: Five Questions to Ask

Hervé Sanson is a specialist in Maghreb literature. It tells of the conditions for the emergence of French-speaking Algerian literature in the 1950s when the country plunged into a brutal war of liberation. The first generation of Algerian novelists and poets paved the way between the militant and the aesthetic imperative and founded a modern and inventive literature in its form and close to the misery and aspirations of their people in…

Ethiopia’s Tigray disaster: insurgent resurgence questions Abiy

Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: rebel resurgence questions Abiy Ahmed Rebel capture of Tigray's capital Mekelle is a milestone in the eight-month conflict in northern Ethiopia, which has killed thousands and left millions in desperate need of food and other assistance. Will this be a turning point in the war? The Ethiopian government withdrew its troops after months of fighting, sparking celebrations…

questions after the arrest of the leader

Biafran's independence leader Nnamdi Kanu was found for almost four years and arrested on Sunday, June 27, 2021 under still unclear circumstances. If he was transferred to Nigeria, where he has been in court since Tuesday, June 29, it is still unknown where he was found. Back in the footsteps of one of the most wanted refugees.…

the federal government questions polyandry

In South Africa, whereas males are already legally allowed to have a number of wives, a debate has begun over polyandry or the proven fact that a girl has a number of husbands. A style of marriage that continues to be very uncommon on this planet. The federal government has revealed a doc inspecting the varied factors in a doable reform of South Africa's marriage legislation. And among the many choices…

questions of a army intervention

Quick deployment of three,000 troops in northern Mozambique to combat terrorism is one among the avenues talked about in a leaked report that needs to be mentioned at a rare summit in SADC, the improvement neighborhood. Africa, scheduled for 28 and 29 April. Regional army response after jihadist assaults on the town of Palma in late March within the province of Cabo Delgado. Since then, the safety…

after feelings, questions and outrage

That is the feeling in Niger after the fire in the school in the Dutch district of Niamey on 13 April. A school and a kindergarten in the middle of a shopping field where many heavy trucks circulate. After the funeral of the 20 children who were killed in the accident, it is time for anger and questions. Parents and teachers' organizations want light to be shed on the causes of the fire.…

the questions that remain unanswered after the release of the high school students

The authorities and the principal of their school confirm that the 344 high school students in Kankara all returned healthy and sound, after negotiations with their prisoners. This kidnapping was claimed twice by the Boko Haram group, but was carried out by criminal groups in the region. We also know a little more thanks to the testimonies of the children who were reunited with their families on Friday…

Did the Madingou meeting create more questions than answers?

Only four months until the 202 presidential election. In Congo-Brazzaville, the political class met last week in Madingou (south) during a consultation to better prepare for this election. But the former finance minister, Mathias Dzon, describes the meeting as a failure and demands a "real" dialogue. For its part, the Convention of the Republican Parties (Copar), which brings together the political…

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