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striking teachers keep the pressure on

The "We Supported Too Much" movement (OTS), which launched the "dead chalk" operation on February 21, has still not lifted its strike slogan. Other teachers, especially those in primary school who had been relatively behind until then, have also joined the…

Somali Prime Minister Roble below stress over coaching of “lacking” troopers in

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is again under pressure to issue a statement on the disappearance of young soldiers who are said to be training in Eritrea, but whose parents have questioned their parents. Over the past four months, hundreds of parents have demonstrated in Somalia, demanding to know the whereabouts of the young soldiers, who were reportedly airlifted to Eritrea in 2019-2020 for training. The government has remained silent although it admits that indeed soldiers are training…

Prime Minister under pressure to appoint one

In a letter dated Monday, President Mohamad al-Mnaffi called on Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah to quickly appoint a defense minister. The post has been vacant since the government's announcement in March last year due to its sensitive nature, and both sides want to take up the post. Abdel Hamid Dbeibah is invited to a…

under pressure, Muhammadu Buhari on an express visit

In Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari visited the large city of Maiduguri on Thursday, June 17, in northeastern Nigeria, one and a half years after his last visit, in February 2020. An expressive but very symbolic excursion, as the security situation is deteriorating day by day across Nigeria. as reported from Lagos, Liza…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is under pressure to demand a ceasefire in Tigray

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is under pressure to demand a ceasefire in Tigray ADDIS ABEBA - The Ethiopian government is under increasing pressure from international partners to order a ceasefire in the Tigray region, where the humanitarian crisis is deteriorating daily, with hundreds of deaths and starvation reported by several non-state actors. Since November 2020, Ethiopia's national…

Somali leaders will reach an agreement when the UN puts more pressure on the election

Somali leaders must reach an agreement as the UN raises more pressure due to the dead end MOGADISHU, Somalia - After months of turmoil, Somalia's political leaders have apparently reached an agreement that would effectively end the political dead end, which had shaken the country and led to concern for the international community. For the past five days, under the leadership of Prime Minister…

Somalia’s army increases pressure on al-Shabaab ahead of elections

Somalia's army increases pressure on al-Shabaab ahead of elections MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali National Army continued an attack on al-Shabaab militants on Saturday, this time targeting the Hiraan region of central Somalia, where the militants have controlled without impunity. On Saturday morning, state media said at least six al-Shabaab soldiers were killed and several others injured…

The USA and the EU are placing strain on

The US President's particular envoy to the Horn of Africa condemns the double speak about Ethiopians and Eritreans concerned within the struggle in Tigray. He says he is set to work for a ceasefire. The European Union, for its half, condemns the misuse of humanitarian help and threatens these answerable for it. It's on this more and more tense diplomatic local weather between america, Europe and…

Islamist militias are placing strain on

In Libya, the warlords who type a really highly effective parallel energy in western Libya have been placing strain on the brand new CEO for greater than every week. They wish to intervene within the elections and choices of Abdel Hamid Dbeibah's authorities, as was the case with the earlier Sarraj authorities. It has been…

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