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Kenya President Delays School Reopening Amid Rising Death Toll from Floods

Kenyan President William Ruto has delayed the reopening of schools due to ongoing heavy rains and floods that have claimed over 200 lives. During his state of the nation address, President Ruto mentioned the grim forecast from meteorological reports, warning of the potential impact of Cyclone Hidaya on coastal regions in the near future. Floods have ravaged Kenya and other East African nations, forcing over 150,000 individuals into camps for safety. Originally scheduled to open this week, schools will remain closed for an…

Kenyan President Delays School Reopening Amid Rising Flood Deaths: Over 200 Lives Lost

Kenya and other areas in East Africa are facing a serious flooding crisis, with over 150,000 individuals displaced and now residing in various camps scattered throughout the nation. Initially planned to resume classes this week, schools have had their reopening postponed by the education ministry for another week. Many institutions are currently underwater or damaged, creating uncertainty for students as they await new reopening dates. Some of the displaced have sought shelter in schools temporarily while the government…

the hell of the Syrian ex-mercenaries who tried to pass

In Libya, thousands of Africans have been imprisoned for years in abuses where they have been abused. Among them are many Syrian migrants, who had chosen to become mercenaries in order to cross into Europe. The migrants who are in these centers are intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard during the crossing of the Mediterranean…

Togo sets up a vaccination pass

Since Tuesday, Togolese who have received the two doses of the Covid vaccine can apply for and receive a vaccination passport from their smartphone or computer. as reported from Lomé, Peter Sassou DogbéFully digitized, according to the government, the vaccine passport is a reliable and secure document. The document is free and…

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