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Why Mobile Signals in Mogadishu Surpass Manchester’s

Somalia's Telecom Success: An Unexpected Tale of Innovation and Resilience In discussions about technological advancement and innovation, there’s one narrative that continually stands out as both surprising and inspiring: Somalia's telecommunications story. After all, how does a country, which has navigated the turbulent waters of lacking a functioning central government for over three decades, manage to architect one of Africa’s most sophisticated mobile networks? It’s counterintuitive, isn't it? What’s even…

New research assesses the effects of mobile money service on small and

New research assesses effects of mobile money service on small and medium-sized businesses in Somalia To disseminate the newly discovered knowledge among researchers and the public, the Research and Development Center of SIMAD University organized a forum for disseminating research results at the Primo Palace. Ustad Abdinor Ali Mohamed, Principal Researcher and Lecturer at the Faculty of…

Médibus, a cell clinic for most individuals

A mobile clinic has been wandering around Greater Tunis for a year. The device was set up at the start of confinement in March last year and makes it possible to reach out to the field people in great insecurity, homeless, excluded from the system. Report on board Médibus. Until now, this homeless man in his sixties refused to…

“I believe in this Mobile Film Festival Africa”

"I like the concept of 1 mobile - 1 minute - 1 movie." The first pan-African selection of Mobile Film Festival Africa invites us until March 17 to discover for free films from 51 young directors from 23 African countries driving to the Grand PrixAfrica, equipped with 10,000 euros. Interview with Rwandan director JoëlKarekezi, winner of the prestigious Gold Standard by Yennengaau Fespaco and member of the jury for Mobile Film…

Central African Republic: cell hearings to revive kids’s id

Within the Central African Republic, many kids don't have a beginning certificates (as a result of they haven't been registered by their dad and mom, as a result of the battle has displaced many Central Africans, as a result of the paperwork have been destroyed ...) kids thus reside with out authorized existence. And with a view to get hold of the beginning certificates afterwards, a supplementary…

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