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Libya’s civil war

The emergence of rival Libyan governments may be

The emergence of two rival Libyan governments and deepening rifts can be "processed", said UN Special Envoy Stephanie Williams. The Libyan people want to end a decade of violence and elect a government that shows "zero appetite" for further conflict despite renewed political opposition, the country's top UN official told Agence France-Presse (AFP). "Most Libyans really want to put an end to 11 years of chaos, division and war - and do so peacefully by going to the polls," Williams said in an interview…

UN Libya election rules meeting to start sans

As part of an initiative to break a conflict between two rival governments in the country, the UN's Libya is tasked with starting meetings on Tuesday to describe electoral rules, although the Eastern-based parliament has not yet appointed members to a joint committee on the subject. . In the midst of civil war in 2014, Libya was divided between warring eastern and western factions. The High State Council, a legislature that supported the West Side, has appointed its six members to the committee. The…

Libya’s electoral body says it is ready to hold a vote

Libya's electoral body said on Saturday that it was ready to hold elections once a political agreement had been reached. US Ambassador Richard Norland met with Imad al-Sayeh, head of Libya's High National Electoral Commission (HNEC), to discuss developments in the crisis-stricken country. "It was encouraging to hear Dr. al-Sayeh confirm the HNEC's readiness to hold elections once a political agreement has been reached on the way forward," Norland was quoted as saying in a statement from the embassy.…

Libya’s armed convoy returns from Tripoli after

An armed convoy attached to Libya's parliamentary-backed Prime Minister Fathi Bashagha moved towards Tripoli on Thursday before returning when he was about to take the lead in the capital, despite the incumbent refusing to relinquish power. Parliament swore in Bashagha as prime minister a week ago, and he said on Tuesday that he would arrive in Tripoli within two days and promised to take over the government there in peace. An attempt to install Bashagha in the capital, however, could lead to clashes…

The Libyan parliament rejects UN “interference”

Libya's war - torn parliament rejected all "interference" in its work, its spokesman told UN envoy Stephanie Williams on Monday after she offered to mediate in an election press when the country was torn between two prime ministers. Williams had on Friday offered to host talks between the eastern legislator and the institutions in the western capital Tripoli in a push for far-delayed votes. She has also warned of an "escalation" after parliament appointed a new prime minister in an attempt to oust the…

UN envoys offer mediation between Libyan politicians

UN envoy Stephanie Williams on Friday offered to mediate between political rivals in Libya as two rival governments claim power after tentative steps towards unity over the past year. Williams, the UN Special Adviser in Libya, invited lawmakers to appoint 12 members to a committee to work to overcome the political stalemate. "The solution to Libya's crisis is not to form rival administrations and perennial transitions," Williams tweeted. "Libyans must agree on a consensual path forward that…

Rival Libya’s government takes office in the midst of growth

Libya's parliament swore in a rival cabinet on Thursday in an attempt to oust the unity government, a move that has raised fears of another major schism in the war-torn country. The assembly, based in eastern Libya, had last month commissioned former Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha to form a government. It raised the prospect of a settlement with the Western, Tripoli-based administration of Abdul Hamid Mohammed Dbeibah, who has refused to hand over power to anything other than an elected government.…

Libya’s Bashagha expects to take over peacefully

Fathi Bashagha, appointed by Libya's east as prime minister, said on Wednesday that he would not use force to take office in Tripoli despite the incumbent's promise to retain power. Parliament will swear in Bashagha as prime minister on Thursday, but the head of the current interim government, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, has refused to relinquish control, raising the prospect of fighting. "It will not be used by force, either by us or the existing government," Bashagha told Reuters in an interview. "Tomorrow…

Libya’s parliament approves rival cabinet for unity

Libya met with rival governments on Tuesday after parliament approved a new cabinet in a challenge to Unity Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, who has refused to relinquish power until the election. In a vote, some fears could help tip the conflict-ridden nation into a new round of violence; former Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha's cabinet was approved by 92 of the 101 members present, said speaker Aguila Saleh. The House of Representatives (HoR) in the eastern city of Tobruk had appointed Bashagha…

Libyan Prime Minister Dbeibah claims that compensation for him could lead

In the wake of an attempt to oust Parliament, Libya's belligerent Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah said that if he was replaced, it could trigger war in the North African country. Dbeibah spoke to Libyans late Monday, reiterating his insistence that he will only hand over power to an elected government. He drew up a seemingly unrealistic plan to hold elections in June. Already plagued by divisions between rival administrations in the East and the West, Libya has found itself with two rival prime…

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