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Villa Owner Contemplates Lawsuit Against Premier League for PSR Rule Violations

Last week, the Premier League knocked back Aston Villa's pitch to crank up the cap on allowable losses within their Profitability and Sustainability Rules (PSR). Nassef Sawiris, Villa’s top brass and Egypt’s wealthiest, might sue over these fiscal constraints which limit three-year losses for clubs. He finds the regulations illogical. Villa proposed a bump in the loss limit from £105 million to £135 million at the League's yearly conclave last Thursday. This attempt was rebuffed. In a discourse with the Financial Times,…

attraction lawsuit in opposition to “the hidden girl” of

In Algeria, the appeal of "Madame Maya", presented as the hidden daughter of ex-president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was held over the weekend in Tipaza, in western Algiers. This lawsuit is presented as a symbol of the fight against corruption. Initially, on October 14, Zoulikha-Chafika Nachinache (real name) posing as the daughter…

a major lawsuit filed against Paul Rusesabagina and members of the FLN

On Monday at a press conference, the attorney general announced that he wanted Paul Rusesabagina, the film Hotel Rwanda's hero, to file a lawsuit with members of the FLN, an armed group behind several attacks in Rwanda. as reported from Kigali, The prosecution finds that it is preferable to attach 19 files, all of which are directly or indirectly linked to attacks committed in 2018 in the Nyungwe region, and claimed by FLN. Aimable Havugiyaremye, Attorney General, said: “We are detaining 16 FLN fighters and we want…

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