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A Celebration of Africa’s |Xam Language at Oxford University

In a significant move to honor the historical legacy and contributions of marginalized groups, a new inscription in the lxam language has been etched into the façade of Rhodes House at Oxford University. This endeavor acknowledges the tribulations and relentless labor of those whose hardships ultimately contributed to Cecil Rhodes’ immense wealth. The lxam inscription was skillfully crafted by Fergus Wessel, a stone mason hailing from the UK, whose work is steeped in the traditions of the English Arts and Crafts movement.…

China Calls on U.S. to Revise Language on Taiwan Independence in Official Communications

In a rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape, China's call for the United States to "correct its mistakes" resonates amid recent developments concerning Taiwan. This plea came in response to updates made by the US State Department, which altered certain language on its website regarding Taiwan independence. According to US officials, these adjustments were part of standard procedural practices, yet they carry significant implications. Last week, the fact sheet on Taiwan was revised, maintaining Washington's stance against…

Conveying Culture: A Somali-Minnesotan’s Mission to Safeguard Language through Tales and Tunes

Marian Hassan, a passionate educator, has dedicated her career to teaching Minnesotans about the Somali language and capturing oral histories from elderly Somali residents. This enthusiastic endeavor is essential to stopping the impending loss of language in the state. With her insightful work, Marian highlights an issue close to her heart—protecting Somalia's rich cultural legacy. Although Somali ranks as the third most spoken language in Minnesota, following English and Spanish, it's fascinating to realize that it wasn't…

Trump Declares ‘I’m No Nazi’ Amidst Harris’s Criticism of Offensive Language

In a recent rally, Donald Trump firmly asserted to his followers that he is "not a Nazi." His statement aimed to counter accusations of authoritarianism, notably from a former senior aide who had labeled him a fascist. As the election heads into its tense final week, the rivalry between him and Kamala Harris, the sitting vice president, has escalated, with both sides intensifying their political discourse amidst a historic campaign. Harris, a Democrat, has accused Trump of inciting division across the nation. While she…

Overcoming Language Obstacles: Fargo’s New Americans Offered Voting Assistance in Somali and Arabic

FARGO — First-time voters need to catch on to the basics, but picking up scoops on candidates seems daunting when English ain't your native lingo. It's like deciphering a secret code buried in the news or on the web. Tackling these language barriers, the League of Women Voters in Red River Valley joined forces with local champs, rolling out digital voting tools in English, Somali, and Arabic. These resources center on North Dakota's House and Senate hopefuls. "Folks will be stunned by our community's linguistic diversity,"…

Language Obstacles Hinder Somali Voters in Minnesota from Receiving Polling Assistance

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn (AX) — In Stearns County, language barriers continue to thwart Somali-speaking residents from exercising their voting rights, despite Minnesota's efforts to promote accessible voting. With no legal stipulations for Somali interpreters at polling stations, many potential voters struggle with English proficiency, hindering their ability to cast votes. Minnesota legislation mandates voting materials in Somali, Spanish, and Hmong to reflect prevalent non-English languages in the state. However, these…

a workshop to harmonize sign language throughout

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the sign language used by the deaf, dumb and hard of hearing is currently the subject of intensive work by experts, interpreters and teachers from several provinces in the country. Called to Kinshasa by the Ministry of Disability, they must meet for thirty days to agree on a glossary of signs to be used so that there will be a unified strategy throughout the…

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