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Kenyan President Enlists Opposition Members in Cabinet Expansion

Kenyan President Bolsters Cabinet with Opposition Members In a bid to unite the nation, Kenya's President has expanded his Cabinet by incorporating figures from the opposition. This strategic move aims to foster a sense of inclusiveness and bridge political divides that have long plagued the country. "By bringing in opposition members, we're showing our commitment to governance for all Kenyans," the President expressed. Previously, the President's Cabinet consisted mostly of loyalists and allies from his party. This…

‘This has to end’: Kenyan President calls for an end to protests

Kenyan Leader Declares: "No More Protests" Kenya's president finally put his foot down, uttering a resolute, "Enough is enough." The message couldn't be clearer: it's time for the unrest to cease. "Protests have run their course," remarked the Kenyan head of state, visibly irked by the prolonged turmoil. The nation has been grappling with recurrent demonstrations, which have inevitably led to instability and economic hiccups. The president's stern declaration came amid a backdrop of rising tensions and calls for…

2024 Olympic Games: Kenyan Star Ferdinand Omanyala at Full Speed

Ferdinand Omanyala: Kenya’s Trailblazing Sprinter Challenging Traditions In Kenya, where long-distance running is revered like a sacred rite, Ferdinand Omanyala is a renegade by bucking the trend and embracing sprinting. He has cemented his status as the fastest man in Africa. His next ambition? Grabbing a historic medal for Kenya in the Olympics' spotlight event: the 100 meters, set in Paris. Omanyala’s choice was unconventional, almost heretical in a country where marathoners are idolized. However, his impressive speed…

Kenyan hunger cult leader on trial for terrorism

On tonight's edition: The man accused of orchestrating the deaths in the notorious Shakahola Forest massacre appears in court on terrorism charges. The bodies of hundreds of followers of self-proclaimed religious leader Paul Mackenzie have been exhumed from the Kenyan wilderness. Elsewhere, U.S. troops are withdrawing from their base in Niger's capital, completing a key step in their military-led withdrawal from the country. And hundreds of thousands of families in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado region continue to struggle daily…

Kenyan cult leader charged with terrorism over mass

Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, the leader of a Kenyan doomsday cult, appeared in court in the Indian Ocean port city of Mombasa on Monday at the start of a high-profile trial over the starvation deaths of more than 400 of his followers. Mackenzie is charged with terrorism and is also accused of murder, manslaughter, kidnapping and child torture, along with 94 other defendants.

Kenyan troopers rewarded for his or her heroic actions within the Manda base assault

Kenyan troopers rewarded for his or her heroic actions within the Manda base assault NAIROBI, Kenya- US awarded three Kenya Defense Forces troopers for the essential function they performed when Al-Shabaab militants attacked the Manda Bay naval base in Kenya on January 5, 2020. The assault left three US nationals useless as Al-shabaab claimed accountability. During the assault, American…

Roadside blast kills 9 Kenyan troopers in Somalia

Roadside blast kills 9 Kenyan troopers in Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - At least 9 Kenya Defense Forces Soldiers have been killed in Gherille within the Gedo area on Monday, officers mentioned, in the most recent assault focusing on safety forces within the Federal Republic of Somalia. The Gedo space is an element of Sector II of the African Union Mission forces . KDF troopers have been typically…

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia

Kenyan troops repel Al-Shabaab assault in southern Somalia KISMAYO, Somalia - Al-Shabaab militants suffered a big setback on Thursday after the Kenya Defense Forces managed to repel an organized assault, which might have been relatively devastating in accordance with eyewitnesses. Senior officers who spoke to the media confirmed that the KDF group answerable for Sector II succeeded in clearing…

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