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Former Ghanaian Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta Cleared of Fugitive Status

On the dusty streets of Accra, the buzz amongst locals revolves around an announcement that came as quite the surprise. You see, a letter has arrived from abroad—a formal communiqué sent by none other than the legal counsel of Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, former finance minister of Ghana. The correspondence sheds light on Ofori-Atta's peculiar status, detailing a confirmed date for his much-anticipated return. Will his return solve the riddles that surround him? Let's dive back to a pivotal date—February 12, 2025. On that day,…

Nigeria: the character of Ken Saro-Wiwa, his battle, his “heirs”, 25 years later (1/3)

On November 10, 1995, Nigerian author and environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight comrades had been by chance executed by President Normal Sani Abacha's regime after a controversial trial. A member of the Ogoni minority, he warned the worldview concerning the ecological disasters linked to the exploitation of oil within the Niger Delta. Twenty-five years later, Ken Saro-Wiwa has left heirs. .

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