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Murder of Thomas Sankara: Burkinabè justice

On Tuesday, the military court ruled in favor of former President Blaise Compaoré for attacking state security, complicity in the murder and concealing corpses in the case of the assassination of former head of state Thomas Sankara. Gilbert Diendéré, formerly Blaise Compaoré's right-hand man, is charged with complicity in murder, concealment of corpses, attack on state security. A total of 14 people will participate in court…

appeal procedure of singer Koffi Olomide from

Koffi Olomide's appeal procedure has been postponed again for six months in France. The King of Congolese Rumba was to be tried again on appeal on Monday, March 12, for sexually abusing four of his former dancers. In October last year, the trial against Koffi Olomide was postponed for six months due to his lawyer having another…

Former President Habré wants to be released

Former Chadian President Hissène Habré has been asked to be released from prison for six months, mainly for health reasons. If granted, the former head of state could be released on Tuesday, April 13, for Ramadan. But the demand goes badly with the victims of the one who is serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity.…

French politicians at the helm

The trial of the bombing of the French military camp Bouaké in Côte d'Ivoire in 2004, which left ten dead (nine French soldiers and one American civilian), enters its third and final week on Monday before the Assize Court in Paris. The French politicians of the time will be heard as witnesses: Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin and three ministers.…

accomplice to ex-president Omar

Two years ago in Sudan, a revolution led to the fall of President Omar al-Bashir after 30 years of rule. In Atbara, a small town in the north of the country that was the epicenter of the revolution, members of NISS, the dismissed president's security services, have been on trial for the murder of protesters. as reported from…

suspected death of a retired officer arrested

In the Comoros, the death of a retired non-commissioned officer during an interrogation in a military barracks on the island of Anjouan aroused great emotions as the circumstances of his death remain mysterious. He was arrested for "attempt to destabilize" and did not survive his hearing. Authorities are talking about concern and even about Covid-19 to explain his death. The version of relatives, who had to dig up the body to gain access, reported blood and head injuries. Some authorities went to Anjouan where the…

General Poncet, Commander of the Licorne Force, at

During the bombing of Bouaké on Friday, April 9, the Paris Assize Court began hearing General Henri Poncet, commander of the Licorne force. With our special correspondent at the courthouse in Paris, Laura MartelHis first words are to the victims: "I hope I was able to give the answers they have been waiting for for 17 years,"…

the end of the interrogation of witnesses at the trial of

In the Ivory Coast, the trial of the Duekoué-Carrefour massacre continues on March 28 and 29, 2011 at the Abidjan Criminal Court. The sixth day of the hearing this Thursday with the hearing of the last witnesses. There was only one accused in the box: Amadé Ouérémi, accused of carrying out the murders with her men, during which more than 800 people were killed according to the Red Cross. The former…

the court takes a position on the two statements

On the eighth day of the Bouaké bombing, the court on Thursday examined the identification and statements of the three accused, Belarusian Yury Sushkin and Ivorians Patrice Ouei and Ange Gnanduillet Attualy, suspected of having pilot and co-pilot Sukhois during the attack. . In the absence of defendants in the box, the President read the statements of the Ivorian officers heard in November 2005 by an…

the former Togolese Minister of the Interior François

A long-awaited testimony this Thursday, April 8, in the Bouaké bombing, in which nine French soldiers were killed on November 6, 2004. The Togolese Minister of the Interior at the time, François Boko, heard by video conference, explained how, while making the alleged perpetrators of raids available for the French authorities on 16 November, they refused to take it up. A very detrimental passivity for the…

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