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Giant Iceberg Grounds Itself, Protecting Wildlife Sanctuary Island

The world’s largest iceberg has recently become a subject of fascination and relief as it appears to be lodged about 70 kilometers from a remote Antarctic island. This development might just spare a vital wildlife haven from a potentially catastrophic encounter, according to observations from a reputable research organization. Known as A23a, this gargantuan iceberg is more than double the size of London—a true giant weighing nearly a trillion tonnes. Since 2020, it has been on a slow drift northward from Antarctica toward…

Somali Migrants Left Stranded on French Island Confront Homelessness and Deportation Following Smuggler Betrayal

In Mayotte—an archipelago encumbered by its dreams yet stung by reality—a haunting scenario unfolds for hundreds of Somali migrants who embarked on what seemed like a journey to a European El Dorado. Coaxing promises from shifty smugglers turned to ash as these voyagers landed not in prosperity but in destitution, with shadows of deportation threats looming ominously. Is hope that elusive mirage they dare chase across harsh terrains and unforgiving seas? Our tale begins with human traffickers weaving dreams in the minds of…

dealing with the wave of Covid-19, the island of Nosy Be

The borders of the island of Nosy in the northwestern part of the country are closed from this Tuesday and for at least 15 days. A decision by the Malagasy authorities to restrict the spread of covid. Madagascar is currently undergoing another wave of coronavirus contamination, registering 22,616 cases including 355 deaths. International and national flights as well as the circulation of private vehicles and public sea transport to the island are suspended. A new blow for this island, whose economy depends entirely on…

island in readiness as tropical storm Chalane approaches

Madagascar is preparing to experience its first tropical storm of the season. Chalane, the name of the system, was formed on December 19 in the middle of the Indian Ocean, more than 1,500 km from the Big Island. He will have to touch land on Sunday morning, northeast of the island. The authorities are prepared to best prepare the population for the consequences of the storm.…

Goree Island is reopening its doors after seven months of isolation

Gorée, the historic island off Dakar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, had banned the arrival of non-residents to protect against the coronavirus pandemic. A closure that had stifled the island's economy. This Saturday, October 10, eight boats out of twelve of the Dakar-Gorée line will be restored to the great delight of the people. as reported from Dakar, Camera around their necks, Congolese students stroll through the shady alleys of the island of Gorée. They have been waiting for this…

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