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Investment in skills development is ‘key to Africa’s growth’

By 2050, a large share of the world’s workforce will be African, but the continent needs more jobs and strategic investment to meet the potential and expectations of its greatest asset: its people. Ragnheiour Elin Arnadottir, Director of the OECD Development Centre, discusses the next steps. Meanwhile, Kenyan President William Ruto is firing nearly all of his ministers as he struggles to contain the fallout from weeks of anti-government protests. Finally, a new competitor in the Central African Republic’s beer market is…

Africa: a petition demanding investment in

Gilles Yabi, last week you launched a petition calling for the improvement of health systems in West Africa and you also organized on Wednesday 15 March a virtual roundtable discussion on how health structures work. Why this focus on health right now?…

investment boom in gold mines

This is one of the effects of Sudan's return to the international scene, mining companies flock there to invest in gold and copper in particular. On June 17, the government granted nine mining concessions, eight for gold and one for copper. Companies from all over the world can now invest without worries since the lifting of US sanctions.…

Comoros under high tension before investment

May 26, the date of the new head of state's traditional investment, exacerbates political tensions as a new president should have taken office. But the head of state, Azali Assoumani, in office since 2016, was able to fight for his own legacy and was re-elected in 2019, following a constitutional amendment, in 2018. The national police were deployed in and around the capital.…

Birimian, the investment company that invests

The luxury industry in Africa is still in its infancy, but it exists and is beginning to become visible. It is to accelerate development that LaureenKouassi-Olsson, a French-Ivorian entrepreneur, launches Birimian, an investment company focusing on African and Afro-luxury European. "One of the reasons for Yves Saint-Laurent's…

funding rite by means of Mohamed Bazoum positioned

Mohamed Bazoum's investment comes in a tense context, while his choice is still being questioned by the opposition, that an attempted coup failed overnight Tuesday to Wednesday and that the country has experienced these fifteen deadliest terrorist attacks in recent years. It is this Friday in Niamey that the new democratically…

the absent and existing on the funding of

The Faustin-Archange Touadéra will be invested on Tuesday, March 30, for a new five-year term at the helm of the Central African Republic. An investment that the authorities want "worthy and sober", according to the government spokesman, while the country is still in the grip of the conflict started in December and the largest opposition coalition has not recognized the validation of the head of state.…

Libya funding of the brand new authorities

Libya funding of the brand new authorities.Libyan Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah and his government for national unity, which are to steer the transition until the elections scheduled for December 24, were sworn in on Monday, March 15. Abdel Hamid Dbeibah was appointed on charges of corruption more than a month ago, on February 5, as part of a UN-sponsored political process to lift Libya out of a decade of chaos and violence. Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah, his 32 ministers and his two deputy prime ministers have…

funding via Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

In Burkina Faso, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré was invested on Monday, December 28, following the election on November 22. A ceremony attended by many African heads of state and representatives of international institutions. The President of Burkinabè has promised to open a national consultation within the framework of national reconciliation, which must not avoid blood crimes and economic crimes and to…

another setback for US investment fund Och-Ziff

This is another setback for the US investment fund Och-Ziff. Its African subsidiary, OZ africa, was ordered by the US justice to pay $ 135 million to former shareholders. By 2016, Och-Ziff had already been ordered to pay the U.S. Treasury Department nearly half a billion dollars for corruption, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.…

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