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Somali Foreign Minister Pushes Forward Talks on Establishing Indian Visa Assistance Hub in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (AX) – So, here's the scoop: Somali Foreign Minister and International Cooperation guru, Ambassador Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, just had a pow-wow with a crew from the Indian High Commission based out of Nairobi. What's the word on the street? They're putting the final touches on opening a swanky new visa facilitation center right in good ol' Mogadishu. On Monday, this was trumpeted by the Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The session was also graced by the presence of Said Jama Mire, who runs the Asia and Australia…

DFS waxay hub ka dhigis ku samaysay bulshada caalamka

Axada oo ku beegan tahay 27-ka Diseembar 2020 kulan ka dhacay looga hadlayo lacagta looga hadlayo xulashada taxanaha ah ee 20/21 sida uu sheegay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Soomaaliya C / raxmaan Ducaale Beyle. Kharashka ku baxaya doorashada ayaa lagu qiyaasay 40 milyan oo doolar oo ay dowladu bixinayso, iyadoo kaliya lagu bixinayo 4 milyan oo doolar, halka beesha caalamka looga baahan yahay inay soo dhameystirto. Dowladda ayaa dejisay qorshe siyaasadeed oo dhaqaale loogu…

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