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Somalia: the source and home of thousands of refugees

Somalia: the source and home of thousands of refugees MOGADISHU, Somalia - For nearly three decades, Somalia has been classified as a major source of refugees across the world, given many years of internal conflict and civil war, coupled with violent extremism, which threatened to tear the country apart. More often than not, many Somalis have found refuge abroad as refugees, but a number of them…

Domicile for combatants Saleh Kebzabo and Succès

In Chad, tensions appear to be rising on Friday, April 2, more than a week before the first round of presidential elections. The home of opponent Saleh Kebzabo, who withdrew his candidacy against outgoing President Idriss Déby Itno, who was vying for a sixth term, was surrounded by police and security forces. as reported from…

Somali troops are practicing in Eritrea to come homestead

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Young Somali soldiers who have been training in neighboring Eritrea are beginning to return in the coming weeks, it has emerged, weeks after their families raised concerns, and some claimed they had been taken to Ethiopia to fight in the Tigray War . The Eritrean troops have assisted the Ethiopian national defense forces in the Tigray region, where they faced the Tigray People's Liberation Front in a war that has been condemned by members of the international community. Last week, Eritrea agreed…

home stretch and observer training

In the Central African Republic, 118 constituencies are called to vote in the legislative elections on Sunday 14 March. This is the second round for 49 constituencies. The 69 other constituencies will vote again because they were prevented or the vote was canceled during the first round on 27 December. It is therefore the last straight line before this important election. The observers of the…

Tidianes invited to celebrate Gamou at home due to coronavirus

No pilgrimage to Tidian this year. In Senegal, believers in the country's largest Muslim Brotherhood will celebrate Gamou at home due to the health crisis. Scheduled between October 29 and 30, the event has celebrated "Maouloud" - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad - since 1902 in the city of Tivaouane 90 km east of Dakar. as reported from Dakar, During a press conference on Tuesday, October 13, the Caliph's general in Tidianes, Serigne Babacar Sy Mansour, on behalf of the religious leader, invited to a celebration of…

students returning to school after seven months at home

Officially, more than 1.3 million students, from kindergarten to high school, have returned to the path on Monday, October 12, at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. All in all, they are happy to return to their places of learning after seven months of forced leave due to coronavirus, whose cases have dropped significantly in the country. But their joy is somewhat ruined by the hassle of transportation. as reported from Brazzaville, His parents dropped him off by car early in the morning at Chaminade High School,…

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