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the well being disaster brought on GDP to fall

The health crisis hit South Africa's economy hard in 2020. According to the statistical agency StatSA, the country's GDP fell by 7% compared to 2019, its first recession in twelve years. The incarceration imposed at the end of March 2020 in South Africa to slow down the spread of Covid-19 was the most severe in the world.…

Soccer and sexual well being in faculties in Côte d’Ivoire

Within the Ivory Coast, the NGO Deal with Africa works to convey messages about sexual well being via soccer workouts. HIV, STIs, gender-based violence, genital mutilation or entry to contraception, many critical and critical subjects are mentioned with main faculty college students in a great temper and with a bullet within the foot. in a main faculty in Grand-Bassam.…

The Ministry of Public Health is investigating the cases of “fictitious” doctors

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the scandal with the lists of fictitious doctors receiving salaries and a risk premium is spraying the Ministry of Public Health. The latter launched at the beginning of the week a solemn appeal to condemn those who wrongfully receive wages and risk premiums. Nearly 500 names have already been discovered and published in the capital, but the issue is still…

Polio-free Cameroon stops pushing against viruses

Cameroon has not completely eased its fight against polio, but despitebeing declared free of the disease earlier this year. It has launched an immunization drive against a specific virus strain. Kenya, too, has pushed the regional trend and seen an elephant baby boom. But despite the promising number, the species remains vulnerable. And we see how students in Libya are caught between conflict and…

Andry Rajoelina announces the end of the state of health

The President of the Republic Andry Rajoelina delivered for the last time on Sunday evening, October 18, his bi-monthly speech, which has been introduced since the start of the incarceration in March. as reported from Antananarivo, Laure Verneau"We won the war. It is with this sentence that Andry Rajoelina declared Madagascar…

young doctors worried about the deteriorating health situation

The country, which on October 18 had 626 deaths and 40,542 cases, saw its hospitals nearly saturated, and young doctors were often at the forefront of emergencies. as reported from Tunis Lilia blaiseOne Sunday morning near the emergency department of Rabta Hospital in Tunis, a young doctor who wishes to remain anonymous is…

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