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Germany and Kenya Ink Deal to Attract Skilled Workers and Address Labor Shortages

On Friday in Berlin, German and Kenyan officials inked a pact designed to attract skilled workers to Germany and streamline the repatriation process for Kenyans who aren’t eligible to stay in the country.This deal came to fruition during Kenyan President William Ruto's visit to Germany, where he had discussions with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.Reflecting on the significance of the agreement, Scholz commented, "This is a pivotal step that symbolizes Germany and Kenya's partnership in migration matters." "It aids us in…

Advocacy for vaccination of Merkel during her time

Angela Merkel convened again, on Friday 27 August 2021, a meeting of the "Compact with Africa", an initiative that brought together twelve countries launched after the German Presidency of the G20 2017. If we previously spoke mainly about economics, the meeting has this time took place in hybrid form and was particularly devoted to the Covid-19 pandemic and vaccines. It was also for the German Chancellor…

Germany, the first country to return bronze

For this first episode of a series on the restoration of African works of art, go to Germany. After years of blockade, the country changed its position at the end of April regarding the restoration of African works of art and could therefore be the first to return Benin bronzes to Nigeria. as reported from Berlin,The colonial…

progress in withdrawing foreign forces

A second conference on Libya was held again on Wednesday in Berlin, 18 months after the previous one, with some twenty countries and international organizations, including the transitional government, in place since the spring in Tripoli. Two goals were on the menu, the election scheduled for the end of December and the withdrawal of foreign forces. In this second file, progress has been announced.…

2nd International Conference on Libya for

Germany is hosting a new international conference on Libya on Wednesday 23 June. The presence of many countries and actors on the ground should make it possible to consolidate the progress made in recent months, in particular as regards the conduct of elections. The withdrawal of foreign forces planned by the first conference in Berlin 18 months ago has not been followed.…

Berlin rejects the claim for compensation

Since the announcement of an agreement on the recognition of the genocide in Namibia by Germany, criticism has increased in Namibia, focusing on the fact that the text does not prescribe compensation without development aid. The head of German diplomacy reacted on Wednesday in parliament. as reported from Berlin, Pascal…

Germany admits to committing “genocide”

Berlin has admitted for the first time, on Friday 28 May, that it committed a "genocide" in Namibia against the Herero and Nama peoples during the colonial period between 1884 and 1915. The Germans differ from other former colonizing countries, unwilling to admit their mistakes and sometimes their crime. This announcement is the result of long negotiations between the two states.…

Germany admits to having committed genocide in Namibia

Germany acknowledged for the first time on Friday that it had committed genocide during the colonization of Namibia and promised more than one billion euros ($ 1.2 billion) for projects in the African country. German colonial settlers killed tens of thousands of indigenous Herero and Nama peoples during the massacres of 1904-1908 - which historians called the first genocide of the 20th century - poisoned relations between Namibia and Germany for several years. While Berlin had previously acknowledged…

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