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Niger: General Tiani’s Strategy to Revitalize the Economy

Niger's Leadership One Year On: Juggling Economy and Diplomacy On the anniversary of the coup that ousted Mohamed Bazoum, the junta's head, along with his prime minister, is performing a delicate dance. They are striving to stabilize the nation's economy while simultaneously crafting a refreshed diplomatic approach. Navigating through economic challenges, these leaders are on a mission to rescue the country's financial health. At the same time, they are diligently forging new international relationships. This effort is…

Niger: General Tiani Steps Down a Year After the Coup d’État

Reflection on Niger's Military Coup: A Year in Review Niger marks a turbulent anniversary this Friday, July 26. Exactly a year ago, the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland (CNSP) seized the reins of power. The military junta ousted President Mohamed Bazoum in a swift coup. For General Abdourahamane Tiani, the president of the CNSP, the event marked a significant turning point. In a speech broadcast Thursday night on state television RTN, he offered no grand announcements. Instead, he indulged in a…

Former Somali President attended the funeral of UPDF General Paul Lokech

Former Somali President attended the funeral of UPDF General Paul Lokech KAMPALA, Uganda - Former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed attended the funeral of General Paul Lokech, the valiant navy man related to the seize of Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, which was as soon as a stronghold of Al-Shabaab, on Friday. General Paul Lokech was buried on Friday in Uganda's Acholi area, his ancestral…

US sanctions in opposition to an accused Eritrean common

On Monday, August 23, the United States announced sanctions against a senior Eritrean military official, General Filipos Woldeyohannes. He is accused by Washington of abusing the Eritrean forces in the Tigray conflict. The latter intervened from the beginning of the conflict in this Ethiopian province to support Addis Ababa against the TPLF rebels.…

UPDF general behind Al-Shabaab’ fall in capital of Somalia dies in African nation

KAMPALA, Uganda - One of the soldiers of the Ugandan People's Defense Forces behind the imminent collapse of AlShabaab in Mogadishu died in Uganda, the African Union Mission in Somalia acknowledged when itpaid tribute to the result of his service. Major General Paul Lokech died in Kampala on Saturday after battling the disease for several months. In a statement, the AMISOM team responsible for peace and stability in Somalia praised the officer for his "lasting legacy". during his stay in Somalia, where he effectively…

General Moussa Diawara was arrested in connection with

In Mali, General Moussa Diawara was arrested on Thursday, July 29, and imprisoned in Bamako. He was prosecuted from a legal source in connection with the investigation into the disappearance of journalist Birama Touré, who has given no sign of life since January 2016. It is also directed at Karim Keïta, son of former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta.…

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